Why Infographics are being Adopted in Healthcare Sectors

Had there been no infographics, interpreting and conveying complex data and information, would not have been so easy. Infographics are such a powerful communication medium, that not only IT sector, but unusual sectors like medical sector have also adopted infographics.

And why is that? Because it can magically transform intricate information for patients into interesting graphics, that are engaging and easy to comprehend. As we all know, medical information can often be difficult for a layperson to understand, doctors can easily interpret this complex information to them through an engaging infographic.

Below are a few reasons why Infographics work so much for the medical sector.

1. Patients get to see the bigger picture
For an average person, it is nearly impossible to visualize the systems of his/her body. In the case of the circulatory system; how can a patient understand the way the blood vessels, the heart, and the arteries function? He would never understand the symptoms of heart attack vividly if he doesn’t get to see the bigger picture.

On the other hand, through an infographic, these details are delivered in such a way that patients neither get bored nor have any fear factor working in their mind. They can easily understand which area to focus on.

2. A picture is worth a thousand words
It can be hard to hold someone’s interest when you give a lengthy explanation, especially if it involves terminologies and jargons that they cannot grasp. Infographics, on the other hand, tell a story. They help explain the details when words fall short. It can be a “story” about the skeletal system, or the digestive system, but it is a “story” that can be told in fewer words, yet still provides a proper context that can capture the interest of the patient.

It is all about telling a “story” in a narrative and engaging approach. It is really hard to hold the audience’s interest during a medical conference, which involves long lectures bloated with medical jargons and terminologies. Often the audience gets bored with this. Audience always want something new, something unique.

And infographics give them this uniqueness. The jargons and terminologies can easily be visualized through a well-designed infographic. These days, the presentation is what matters above all. Putting an old wine in a new bottle is what infographics do.


3. People focus more on information that is visually stimulating
Suppose a new hospital with latest intensive care equipments or a dedicated senior care home is built somewhere. No doubt traditional advertisement will work to advertise the institution, but infographics can do magic. A nice combination of vibrant colours and attractive typography is definitely more appealing compared to pages of pamphlets or handouts with just plain texts. Human eyes are always compelled towards something that stands out from the rest and leaves an imprint on our subconscious mind.

Infographics can even stand on its own without a lot of text to accompany.

4. Offers a visual guide
Complicated concepts that involve multiple steps can be challenging, and especially it requires reading in-depth instructions. An infographic provides a way to engage through visual instructions and images. For example, you can include a picture that relates to each step, such as someone injecting themselves with insulin when you are illustrating where to inject insulin, which can be especially helpful to those who are less likely to remember text-based instructions.


5. Highly Customizable
You can customize all elements of your infographic so as to make it reflect your brand identity and messaging. The infographic would contain all the details about your website and nature of business, and thus your brand recognition will leverage. And of course, you would be positioned as a leading resource of health information. You can make people fall in love with your infographics.

6. Exceptionally Shareable
Most hospital, nursing homes, and other intensive care institutes have their social media channels. Infographics are highly shareable and drive more engagement than anything else online. And as they could be shared, infographics tend to get viral within a span of few hours. And any business wants to build a steady online recognition and online presence. So what could be better than a beautiful piece of an infographic to achieve this!


7. Improving Health Literacy
Health professionals should always be aware of current, leading-edge methods that can be used not only in treating patients, but also to empower them.

Doctors and health-care professionals are expected to be always aware of the current and all the cutting edge methods and innovations. Patients do feel a sense of satisfaction and admiration for a doctor who is so updated. And using infographics in medical field helps a health professional significantly improve health literacy among his/her patients.

We all suffer from content overload. Infographics have an excellent storytelling attribute, which has made these graphics so favourite among various sectors. After all we live in a 140-character world where information should not be lengthy. More and more doctors are adopting infographics as their medium to communicate with patients. And it could be easily predicted that usage of infographics would see a rise mostly in the health-care sector.

We are InfographicDesignTeam – We do it all!
By now you probably should have understood the immense power of infographics. Connecting with the audience, which words alone cannot do. With dynamic, colourful graphics and less text, these all-in-one infographics are an exciting way to tell your target something important in just a few words. So, buckle up and let InfographicDesignTeam.com do the talking. With a fabulous team of experienced professionals in this field, we deliver incredible results. Just call us up and chat with us. And soon you’ll realize that was the worthiest call you ever made in a long time. We are InfographicDesignTeam, we are SOLID!
