WhatsApp officially launched the new WhatsApp business app in selected markets- Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, the U.K and the U.S on January 19, 2018.
On its launch, this business app will be available only on Android, but gradually the company will roll out this useful WhatsApp business app for iOS versions as well. WhatsApp has prioritized Android for this business app because research shows that consumers prominently use this platform more.
Among the reported 1.3 billion WhatsApp users, this app will benefit the small business owners so that they can instantly interact with their customers.
According to data from Morning Consult’s research, “over 80 percent of small businesses in India and Brazil said that WhatsApp helps them communicate with customers and grow their businesses.”
WhatsApp Business App– An In-depth Insight
WhatsApp business app is ideally a free app that will help small business owners to connect with their customers. This app is designed with an aim to enable small enterprises to establish their presence on the WhatsApp service easily. This step by WhatsApp is anticipated to help a large number of micro/medium enterprises to grow their businesses at an affordable cost and within a short span of time.
Business personnel those who have separate numbers -business number and personal one can use both the WhatsApp Messenger app and the WhatsApp Business account simultaneously on the same device. Both these numbers can be registered separately also.
WhatsApp Business account can be conveniently used with the WhatsApp Web, the app’s desktop web browser.
Image credit: https://www.whatsapp.com/business/
Key features of WhatsApp business app android
- Dedicated Business Profiles:
According to WhatsApp, small business owners using WhatsApp business app android can create their profiles. These profiles are further highlighted to regular users on WhatsApp. It is a pattern that allows the users to store email addresses and contact addresses. Using business profiles small enterprises can deliver valuable information to their customers.
- Smart Messaging Tools:
Another key benefit of WhatsApp Business, this app offers unique smart messaging tools for entrepreneurs. The users can enjoy the benefits of “quick replies,” “greetings,” and away “messages.”
With this WhatsApp business app tools help users to provide fast answers to customers’ queries:
– “quick replies” opportunity provides fast answers to customers’ frequently asked questions;
– “Greeting messages” that introduce customers to the business; and “away messages,” that let customers know you’re busy.
- Message Metrics:
The business app also offers an opportunity to users to view the statistics of messages sent, delivered and read.
This feature will be highly beneficial for entrepreneurs because they can review what messages have been read and find out what is working on the platform.
Also, there will also be an option of WhatsApp Web so that users can send and receive messages with WhatsApp Business on the desktop as well.
- Identify account type
WhatsApp business provides another vital feature- identifying account type. This feature lets the users know if they are talking about a business. Identification of accounts becomes possible as all are listed as WhatsApp Business Account.
Gradually these accounts will also be upgraded to “Confirmed Accounts,” after WhatsApp verifies the account phone numbers match the registered business phone number.
- WhatsApp Web Facility
A consumer can efficiently respond to their clients from the computer’s browsers also.
As WhatsApp Business is built with WhatsApp Messenger on the core, it enjoys all Messenger features to rely on. The features include sending multimedia, free calls, free international messaging, group chat, offline messages, and all other elements that one enjoys using WhatsApp Messenger. However, data charges may apply. A consumer must contact his service provider for more details.
(For more information visit: https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/WhatsApp-inc/WhatsApp-business/)
- Scope of using both (personal & business) phone numbers
Consumers can use WhatsApp Business with their landlines /personal phone numbers and business numbers. During verification, one just needs to select the “Call me” option to receive the code over a phone call.
Image credit: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.whatsapp.w4b
How the WhatsApp business app will help businesses
Small enterprises who want to establish their business in the market and make their brand known to the target customers will find this business app profitable. Such organizations can treat the WhatsApp business app as their initial entry point in the market.
With so many features, the app can open up revenue possibilities for small businesses. As WhatsApp has no add-on charges for the service, struggling companies can benefit from this free service and enjoy the perks of the app.
How to register for WhatsApp business?
It’s a simple and easy procedure. Small companies can create their WhatsApp business account. One can register for WhatsApp business by filling out information like a business description, email, address and website address.
However, earlier in September 2017, when the company announced the app’s arrival, it began checking business accounts according to the WhatsApp Business Pilot program. Verified accounts were given a green check-mark as a means of demonstrating their authenticity. Hence, it has become more available to the consumers.
Download procedure for the business app
During its launch, WhatsApp announced that the business app is available as a free download on Google Play in supported markets. Consumers need to download the apk and start using it like the WhatsApp messaging app.
WhatsApp Business Apk: You can Download WhatsApp Business Apk from Playstore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.WhatsApp.w4b&hl=en
Alternatively, you can also download the WhatsApp business Apk from https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/WhatsApp-inc/WhatsApp-business/
What about the other users apart from business owners?
WhatsApp says, “Users will have full control over the messages they receive.”
If any common WhatsApp user does not wish to receive messages from any business number, one can block it. Commoners can also opt to report spam if business continues spamming them.
Additionally, businesses will only be able to contact people those who provided their phone numbers and agreed to receive messages from the companies.
Rounding off
Undoubtedly, today it has become critical for all enterprises to address customer needs. With the new Business app arriving in the market, it would be a win-win situation for all small companies in these selected regions.
According to WhatsApp spokesperson, “WhatsApp business app will later be updated with an enterprise solution aimed at large businesses targeting the global customer base – e-commerce sites, airlines and even banks. Presumably, they’ll be built on top of the current WhatsApp Business core product.”