What’s in Store for our beloved Infographics in 2014!

Trends in Infographics – 2014

With every new article posted once a week, we learn that Infographics are dead. And the facts presented seem accurate and true enough to believe. But, what we need to consider is the fact that Infographics are not here to die out, nor their popularity seems to disappear. Let us check some imminent Infographic Trends standing in the juncture of 2014. Take my word! I can assure you that Infographics are neither dead nor we will see their demise anytime soon.

Basically Infographics are nothing new. Since the days of cave paintings till today, Infographics are, in their simplest form, visual communication. They have risen to popularity because of the online marketers who took resort to Infographics. Well, it is a new year now, so to understand the state of Infographics, one should keep in mind that Infographics are here to stay. However, one must consider a few trends in Infographics for 2014 :

1. Quality will be focused more than Quantity

Our standards have risen considerably. Quality will be focused all the more than quantity. Companies should stop making Infographics just for the sake of making it, but must be super serious about each design. Brands need to use Infographics to communicate important data or messages. It is better to create 1 or 2 Infographics per month, than to publish dozens of low quality designs.

2. No more just Digital

Don’t get shocked if you see an Infographic printed tee shirt or in booths, or handouts, leaflets, or any other of beat medium. 2014 isn’t just about going digital. Visual communication would not be confined in online media, but will also get an exposure via offline opportunities.

And when it comes to sharing a message, or communicate, Infographics have even made their way to textbooks and learning modules, where mostly interactive Infographics are used.

Infographics are also good for using in workplace as a substitution for employee handbooks, expressing company goals, or quarterly reports.

3. Motion is Better than Static

Motion graphics will be the norm in 2014. Video Infographics or Animated Infographics are going to dominate the year and beyond. It is extremely beneficial for websites to have a Video Infographic on their homepage which would embellish their web traffic all the more. Of course, once again think about a good content for your motion graphic. Good content and relevant data are absolutely crucial for your Video Infographic to win.

So with all said and done, these were some Infographic trends that will dominate 2014 and beyond!
