They say “Content is King”! I say “Content is the EMPEROR”!

They say “content is king” I say “content is the EMPEROR”

Person 1: Do you have a website for your company?
Person 2: Of course I do.
Person 1: Why have you created the website?
Person 2: So that I can reach the consumers and they get to know about my company.
Person 1: Is your website optimized? I mean, if people search for your company, will they get the perfect search result?
Person 2: Well, I’m not quite sure!

This is the scenario with most businessmen. They have no idea about how a website can come to the knowledge of the consumers. The phrase Search Engine Optimization or SEO lures everyone, but nobody actually understands what it is or how it works.

Now you will ask what is there about SEO that you don’t know, right? The longer answer is, there are three pillars for SEO – Content, Links, Social media marketing. The shorter answer is, content is the strongest pillar among these. It has been a misconception that a good website design makes it reach the top. If the design is good, the first impression will be nice. However, as soon as the consumer finds that there is a lack of vital information and answer to the questions that the consumer was seeking, then that consumer will not only leave the website disappointed, but also will never come back again. In a way, you lose a customer. If content is the king, design is only the king’s attire. There is no significance of a well dressed but worthless king. You want your website to be beheaded like King Charles I, for being good for nothing? Yes, Google’s Panda and Penguin algorithm can de-index your website if you get negative feedback. Don’t blame anyone then, because you are already being warned.

Content is of course the highlight of 2013. But it was back in 1996 when Bill Gates used this phrase “Content is King!” Just as television media is quite different from the print media, similarly, content is quite different from an essay. It does not mean how innovative your literature sense is, rather how much information your website can provide.

Why does Google make content so vital?
Everybody knows that Google is a search engine. The foremost responsibility of Google is to provide results for the searches of the users. The website that does not satisfy this criterion will naturally be de-indexed. Among the thousands of websites that sell the same product, which website will stand out of the crowd will be determined by the content.

How to write content for a website?

Blindly giving facts and figures to the website and following a pattern of story writing will simply not do. You have to maintain certain parameters for writing content for the website. Keyword is the most important factor for that matter. It is the phrase or term with which a consumer will find your product or website.

Find the appropriate keyword suitable for your website. Mind the suggestion, find the keyword, but don’t guess it. Google’s Keyword Tool does this job. All you have to do is provide your website URL to this software and it will offer you the appropriate keyword for your website. If you sell beauty products, then definitely you will not write the content for your website with keywords that are related to technical world, right? Relying on the software not on the guess work is the key to success.

  • There is no such rule as the keyword density, but on an average you can incorporate the keyword into the content with relevance. Remember, incorporating and pushing are two entirely different factor. If you think that providing too many keywords will make your content a success, then you are wrong. It will lead your content to become a spam. One thing that should clearly be understood is that every page on the website is an individual content. Therefore every page on the website must contain the right amount of keyword; in the title as well as the Meta tags.
  • The content must have an objective. You have to be specific about what your aim is, whether you want to write the content in favour of your website for increasing the sales, or to increase awareness among the consumers about your product.
  • Interactive and informative are the two vital factors for a good content. Dissatisfy either, you will lose the market.
  • No jargons, no similes are very important factors to remember.

Refer to this article, if you are still reading, it means that you have liked the information shared here. If there is a lack of content, then nobody would read it. Hopefully you have understood that without content your website will be good for nothing.
