Reach Pragmatic and Romantic Thinkers with Your Infographic

Reach Pragmatic and Romantic Thinkers with Your Infographic

We all have one brain. But the way we communicate, most of the decisions we make, our thoughts and actions, are determined by one side of our brains – The Left side, or the Right side.

These two separate and fully functional consciences-determined by what is termed as the Split Brain theory, has lead to the conclusion that there are left brain thinkers and right brain thinkers.

You are a left brain thinker if your thought process and the decisions you make are rational, active and realistic. Preferences: Verbal and text communication, always digging deeper into the nitty gritties of any matter.

You are a right brain thinker if your judgment is emotional, metaphoric, impulsive and intuitive. Preferences: Non-verbal communication and visual elements, registering and understanding data better if in image or pictorial form.

Both sides may be different, and somewhat conflicting in nature, but neither can work without the other.

For instance, without the help of the right hemisphere of your brain, you would be able to read out the word “Cow” but not be able to imagine what it is.

Let’s move further. We are sure you know who your customers are. Let’s say they are young families with 2 kids, with high levels of education and stable incomes. But do you know if they are left or right-brainers? Are their decisions to buy your products or services made on more rational or, in contrary, more emotional/impulsive basis? What is the best possible way to convey your message to these two groups?

An Infographic comes into play. Infographics are a unique combination of information and graphics which help both left and right-brainers to acquire information quickly and efficiently. If designed professionally, the same Infographic targets both left and right-brainers. Meaning, you don’t need to spend more money and effort to create several advertising messages.

Here is an Infographic further illustrating how the same product can be efficiently advertised both to left and right-brainers at the same time.

“The great pleasure and feeling in my right brain is more than my left brain can find the words to tell you.” Roger Sperry
