How to Measure the ROI of Your Latest Infographic Campaign

When it comes down to the essential elements of business, it’s all about how well your investment pays off. How much money are you spending on your projects and in getting your content produced? Compare that to your sales rate for the products and services you are advertising. Your income and revenue should be greater than your investment.

You know about the importance of measure your ROI (return on investment). Measuring your return on investment is important so that you can see how you are spending your money and determine what you need to change to become more productive. It’s about having the insight into how you spend your time so that you can adjust it to meet your goals.

Measuring Your ROI

How to Measure the Results of an Infographic

When you create an infographic campaign, how can you measure the ROI you are getting from this effort? Here are some solid ideas that you may want to try to increase your return on investment for infographics. Try whatever works for you and your business.

Create a dedicated infographics page

One simple way to create a tracking method for your infographics is just to create a page that is dedicated to a particular infographic that you wish to track. Huffington Post recommends this on their blog, as well as other tips. If your infographic is in depth enough, you can focus on your graphic on one page and make it the center.

Once you have a dedicated page for your infographic, then you can go into Google Analytics and various other tracking tools and measure how the page is doing over time.

If you don’t want to take up space on a full page within your website, you can always put it on your blog. But placing an important infographic on a subpage of your website is a great idea, and you’ll get Google traffic from the new page, as well as to your main page. For this reason, you will want to make sure that your navigation will take people from the infographic back to the main site and other parts of your website.

Social Share Counters

You’ve seen social share counters on other sites, I’m sure. They track every click or share that visitors did when visiting a site. You can use this on your dedicated infographics page if you want to use this to see how much engagement your visitors have and how you can increase it. ShareTally is a great free tool for this.


Reverse Image Search

Reverse image search is a Google tool at that allows you to search the web for an image. You simply grab the image from a website or upload it from your computer and Google will search for the image and show results. The results indicate everywhere on the web that the image is found. This is a great way to locate your infographic online and see how many times it was shared and commented on via other sites.


Market to infographics fans

When you create infographics, you should also be building a list to market future infographics to these people over the long term. You can do this in some ways including leaving a sign-up form under the infographic or using your mailing list and customized surveys to find out who the biggest infographics fans are.

This will give you an idea of who is most interested in your infographics in a very real and tangible way, rather than dealing with numbers.

Integrate your data

Once you have collected your data on your infographic, you may want to create another infographic to display your data. You do not have to share this information with your customers or visitors, but it’s a great tool to remind yourself of how you are doing with your ROI and your infographics.

Here is an example of a possible infographic created by combining the following factors of your infographic ROI:

  • Visitors
  • Shares
  • Embeds
  • Comments
  • Rankings

All of these factors are important in giving an overall view of how your infographic is doing with your intended audience. In addition to this data, you may also want to include other data that helps you to grasp the status of your ROI.

For example, you might want to include the amount of money you have budgeted for your infographic and the amount of profit you have seen from your efforts. Then see if it is meeting your expectations. This sort of information is very important in order to key into what is really working and what is not.

Create a video infographic

A unique way of checking where your ROI is panning out with your infographics is to create a video infographic. By making a video out of your infographic, you will now also have a video product to market on YouTube and your website.

This enables you to track it in a whole new way. Check the views on your YouTube channel and look at the various analytics available right on the YouTube platform. Be sure to notice the bounce rate, video retention rate, and demographics of the people viewing your videos, as well as the numbers alone.

Studying the intrinsic psychographics and demographics of your audience and knowing how much they are staying on your page or infographic will give you valuable information on your ROI. This will help you to plan your next ad campaign, infographic, and other content as well and use your money in the best way possible.

Create presentations

One other way you could measure the result of your infographics is to place them within a presentation using Slideshare or PowerPoint. This will put your infographic in front of more people on other platforms. It will also allow you a great way to keep track of the results of how it is doing in other formats.

The Art of Data Compilation

When dealing with big data, it’s important to include the essential pieces. Be sure to include all of the data when you compile and aggregate it, not just a little of the information. Using only the dedicated infographic page and failing to bring in the information from a Slideshare or video in which you have included the same infographic would not give you a true picture of your ROI for the infographic.


Creating a great infographic

Just as the key to getting more video views is creating a great video, the key to increasing your ROI for your infographic is in creating a great infographic. Start with an idea and take notes on the information that you want to use for your infographic.

Then get with us at Infographic Design Team. We can help you take your concept and build it into a great piece that will get views, shares, and comments. We can help you learn how to increase your engagement with compelling graphics and then you can track your progress and increase your ROI through some of these tips.

Contact us to learn more and visit us soon on the web. We love creating dynamic infographics of all kinds, and we look forward to helping you.
