SEO Vs. PPC – Who’s the Boss in getting you more Traffic and Revenue?

Marketing Your Business Online- SEO Vs PPC

SEO Vs. PPC! Sounds unusual? Yes, both of these elements of digital marketing are responsible of bringing you more traffic, however differing with each other in certain aspects. The digital revolution has been quite successful in converting the way in which people looked at regular life. No more do we feel the need to go all the way to a bookstore in order to lay hands on the latest book by our favourite author- all we do is order the book and it gets delivered at our doorstep within a day. Looking at the way things have changed in the last decade, one could easily conclude the power that the website holds in determining the sales figure and the profit margin of a business organisation.

SEO and PPC- The 2 Avenues of Online Marketing

Since the website of your business organisation is the only way to attract potential virtual customers, one cannot deny the need to promote the website in order to be successful in that purpose. There are a number of ways in which one could market their website in order to bring it to the notice of the customers- SEO and PPC being the two chief avenues to do so.

Let us first take a look at the ways in which SEO or Search Engine Optimisation can help entrepreneurs in directing an appreciable traffic to their sites. Commendable SEO strategies allow websites to have a good organic position in the entire scheme of things and thus feature towards the top of SERP. While it allows greater visibility and has greater ROI potential, there remains the fact that the results of this strategy are not instantaneous- it becomes evident over time.

PPC or Pay per Click campaigning on the other hand involves a company placing an advertisement on a website, with them paying money to the host website every time somebody clicks on the advert. While the use of strategy might prove to be expensive for the company and might need constant optimisation on the part of the company, there remains the fact that this strategy has the capability of drawing in large traffic instantly. Moreover, you can also be assured that a new update from the search engine won’t affect you in any way.

SEO Vs PPC- Which Should You Go For?

Both SEO and PPC have their own set of pros and cons. But the question that arises here, in this context is which strategy should a particular organisation go for? Which online marketing strategy among the two, viz, SEO and PPC will best suit your company? Now, there are a number of factors that should go into consideration when deciding upon an online marketing strategy.

• The rate of response is the very first thing that you should look into. If you need a response that is fast and instantaneous, it would be best to go for the PPC campaign. However, if you want to take time and cultivate the responses for a long-term result, it is best to opt for a SEO strategy.

• Traffic consideration is another factor that should rule over your decision in this case. It is best to go for a commendable SEO strategy if you are looking for a traffic that is good, both in quality and quantity.

• The rate of conversion is another factor that comes into consideration in this context. SEO, over the years has been seen as a hallmark of trust and visitors converting to customers by means of this strategy have been found to be much higher than the conversion rate of the PPC.

SEO or PPC- this is thus, that one question that needs resolution after taking a number of factors into consideration.
