Bored with Static Infographics? Why not try Video Infographics!

Make Your Infographic Move

You have decided to go for a Video Infographic – great decision! We have already talked about this type of Infographics and discussed its benefits (see here). Because emough of Static Infographics! In few words, Video Infographic is something new and innovative that has a high engaging factor. This engaging and in the same time clearer and more direct way of storytelling makes people simply love your content, share it with friends and relatives and stay on a website longer.

But now you may start worrying about the fact that some viewers of your Video Infographic don’t have sound installed on their system… So they won’t get the main message and all your investments and efforts would be spoiled? Or Video Infographic with professional voice over is a bit out of your budget… Problem? Not at all! There is another great way to solve this issue – using text in the Video Infographic itself.

Nicely animated text can do the magic for your Video Infographic. It can come flying in and out, come and disappear giving way to the next text, come in pieces of letters forming a full sentence, and in many other styles allowing you simply play with words in the Video Infographic. The viewers will never be bored with your Video Infographic and will get a clear idea of your main message. Adding to that nicely designed visuals, background music and situational sounds and your Video Infographic is complete.

But as in any recipe, you should keep an optimal proportion of ingredients in your Video Infographic. Don’t oversalt! For example, each scene should maintain an optimal amount of words. However, there is no hard and fast rule about the number of words. It all depends on your power of observation what is looking clumsy and what is in perfect amount. It is good to use fewer words per slide. Too much text slows down the presentation and makes the video jampacked and busy. So instead of putting the whole paragraph in one slide, divide it into smaller logical portions and increase the number of slides. Believe me, this way your Video Infographic will look much more dynamic, engaging and easy to understand. Add to that appropriate visuals and your job is done.

However, here is its own trick. A sequence between the graphics and the text must be there. Like the text must adhere to the graphic and vice versa. If the text shown says something and the graphics are something else, it can spoil the whole video as the information conveyed is unclear. The viewers must find an appropriate sync between the text and the graphics. Moreover also keep in mind the size of the graphics. Like they should not eclipse the text shown.

Also don’t forget about the font and its size. Your text must be very clear to the viewers’ eyes. The text must be in a font that has fair readability. As it is a video that continuously changes the scene, the text must be written in such a way that the viewers can read them easily. The text can be ALL CAPS, bold, italic. Decide what is best for you. For example, if your Infographic deals with increase in something, keep the angle of the words UPWARDS. And if it deals with any stats, the numbers must be bigger and bolder than the rest of the text. You can also highlight some important words or stats with some different, brighter color.

However, keep in mind that even such an engaging type of content presenting as Video Infographic can be spoiled by making it too long. It is nice to watch it for 1-2, max 3 minutes. If it is more than that your viewers would be overload with the information on the screen and the chance they will stop the video becomes higher. So go with the KISS rule – Keep It Short and Simple! 🙂 And move forward with your Video Infographic. Now you are knowledgeable enough to get one that will become viral! Good luck!
