How Important is “White Space” in Your Infographic?

Are you struggling with showing what your focus is all about with your infographic? Perhaps it’s not your infographic content itself but the way you are presenting it. When you compose an infographic, you need to think about some different things to create the best infographic. The graphics that you use are of utmost importance, as well as the data that you include in your creation. But you also need to think about what you don’t put in your infographic.

Why is white space important in design?

“White space” is the white or empty space that you see on your website, your infographic, or any other creative components that you use to create your work. Any artist will tell you that the space that us unused is just as important as the used space. Refraining from using every part of your “canvas” is a good method to remember when you are trying to create meaning in your artistic assets such as infographics.


7 Reasons to Utilize the White Space in Your Infographic

1. Improves the Learner Focus– When you use “white space” within your infographic, you improve the focus level of the learner in educational infographics. The same is true of explainer infographics if you are trying to communicate an idea to your audience. You need white space so that your message will not be too cluttered or cause confusion on the part of your audience.


2. Improves readability– White space in graphic design clears out much of the space surrounding the focus on your infographic so that it improves the readability of the infographic. It helps the reader to focus on your message and minimizes the need to read all across the screen. The less work you make your audience do, the more likely it will reach them with your most important message.

3. Increases motivation to do something– Including some space in your infographic will increase the motivation that readers have for your products because it will be easier to focus on the products rather than all of the clutter surrounding your products. A cleaner look gives a better feel for what your infographic is about without cluttering the message with too much information. Remember that an infographic should be less about text and more about the graphics aspect. If you clutter it with too much text, it will be harder to digest.

4.Allows you to control the alignment– When you use the empty space in your infographic, you can better control the alignment of your infographic. Without the clutter, you’ll be able to rework and realign elements that do not best show your theme or purpose and focus instead on the most important aspects only.

5. Defines balance and meaning– Is your infographic symmetrical or asymmetrical? Do you want it to be perfectly balanced or slightly off-center? If you have a central focus that you want to be in the middle of the infographic, you’ll have more room to do it when you correctly utilize the white space. If you have tried to cram too much into a central area, you’ll be frustrated in trying to show what your focus is and so will your customers.

6. Appeals to the minimalist– If you want to appeal to your target audience who prefers the minimalist style, here is your chance to do that. People who prefer less clutter and more space will prefer the style of a less cluttered look. By freeing up more space on your infographic, you can include only the most important elements. This may increase your conversion level because it forces the viewer to look at the primary aspect of your message and lowers the chance of increasing bounce rate because customers don’t know what you want them to do.

7. Increases conversions and leads– As mentioned above, when your infographic focuses on your primary goals, such as a product you are trying to sell, a concept you are trying to explain, or other components, you are going to see more results from your infographec. Think about your call-to-action and make it a focus near the bottom of your infographic. It is wise to incorporate your call-to-action with your primary focus on your infographic so that they work well together and complement each other in the best way possible.

Infographic tips for pulling it all together

When you are working on your infographic and trying to include everything that you need to include, don’t forget to leave something out! That means to include enough elements of design space so that people don’t feel overwhelmed and leave some empty space so that you can feel free to move things around to the best advantage while simplifying the process for your readers and prospects.


How to design infographics?

Now the question posed about whether you should do your infographic yourself or hire it out to a professional designer or design team? While many business owners prefer to maintain control of their infographic by doing it themselves, there is a strong argument that you should hire a professional designer because they have a deeper understanding of what makes an infographic the best.

At, we know there’s a lot to remember. You need to define the purpose of your infographic so that you send a clear message to your readers. You need to match your message with your branding so that you don’t confuse the reader with your graphics and other information. You also need to tie your infographic with your call-to-action.

Utilizing the white space, in the end, is just as important as utilizing the used space. Placing your components in the right places makes a big difference when you are presenting an idea, product, or concept to your target audience.

Visit our website and see our portfolio to see what we can do for you. We have years of experience and expertise in creating original infographics for our customers.

We take the approach that each business is unique and each requires a customized look at how to build the best infographic. We take the purpose of your infographic into account as well as how much information you want to include. Then we can make suggestions of how to use your space in a professional way and utilize the empty space to gain more leads and clients.


Less is More

Your mother was right when she said, “Less is more.” You might not know it but what you don’t say is just as important as what you do say. Leaving some workable space so that you can make changes while offering customers a clean, uncluttered, minimalist look may be the factor that’s “missing” from your infographic.

Keep this in mind as you plan your next infographic. Perhaps it’s not the content that’s the problem. It may be that you’re trying to do too much. Consider breaking it up into several infographics instead so that you won’t clutter your message with too many components.

Visit to learn more. We can help you create a better focus on your message and show you how to utilize your white space to your best advantage.
