Just after a project reaches a designer’s desk, brainstorming and planning session starts. Not only that, even before the project reaches the artist, it usually goes through many other steps to ensure that the process is effortless and the result is as fruitful as possible. It all starts with the creative brief, conceptualization and ends with the final delivery. But in between, it is only the expertise of the designers that pushes the project further towards finalization.
Now the question is, how can one think like an Infographic designer! Does it take some extra measures to think along the lines of an Infographic designer? Well actually yes – because people who design Infographics has to be uber-perfectionist since you just cannot compare Infographics with any another graphic. Infographics are more professional and convey crucial information. You can’t estimate it with just a random “Merry Christmas” graphic.
So you see, in a way Infographic designers possess a somewhat different brain set than the rest. Hence, before you step into designing Infographics, you have to tune your thoughts like them.
Each design may be different, and each project may be singular, but the designs and graphics are all tied in one string. So, there are a few general tricks and tips worth remembering that will guide your design through the same principle. It’s important to consider all aspects of your artistic choices and think like a meticulous Infographic designer, to maintain an equivalence between the design and the project goals.
Match Content with Visuals
In Infographics, graphics are like words. Therefore, your visualizations should be as “readable” as text. Illustrations or data visualizations need to go hand in hand with the accompanying copy. This contrast is of much importance, because your viewers must get the crux of the story just by glancing at the visuals, and must get the impression as if they have read it.
Choose the Right Visualizations
Keep a strict eye on your choice of the presentation so that it does justice to the content it represents. Do not only think graphs or charts when you have to render a data related to numbers or figures. If your content identifies an enormous number (e.g. 5,000 apples) or a minuscule (e.g. 1% of an apple orchard), quanta grams or pie charts won’t just work — think about a different way of rendition, else the impact will get lost.
Keep It Clear
You have to focus on detailed graphics to convey the meaning, yet give equal emphasis to clarity and lucidity. Because eventually, your Infographic will be viewed by all and sundry. So you cannot expect all of them to be technical. Clean and clear designs provide a better understanding of the difficult material. Make this your ultimate design goal!
Make room for White Space
A clean and tidy room. A messy and shabby room. Which one appeals to us? Human eyes are always attracted towards the aesthetic facets of anything. Same goes for design. A design that is cluttered and busy repels us from viewing it further. Eliminating clutter will let the visuals take prominence. Selective use of icons and illustrations helps to refine the final product and meet your audience’s expectations.
Tell a Story
Your viewers want stories, not drab incessant knowledge. Tell them a story – build your content in such a way that divides the material into sections, which will create a subliminal narrative. Consider using color or visual cues to create transitions or links between points.
Direct the eye and color code
Using shades of color or different textures can build consistency or emphasis within a design. If you’re looking for subtlety, go for soothing shades. Advancing from red to yellow to green will indicate a progression that will ooze the idea behind it. Alternatively, a repeated color throughout a project will create connections, linking previous different ideas, thus achieving a coherence.
Seek feedback
Learn from mistakes. Accept constructive criticism. When you are in the chair of a designer, you are vulnerable to immense criticism. But don’t let these criticisms overpower you. Through objective criticism, you can gain helpful insights on how to improve. Instead of waiting for feedbacks to come to you, try to seek it out intentionally. Don’t cower from publishing your works on a personal blog, social media handles or a reputable design network.
In a nutshell –
- Visuals and Content must go hand in hand
- Right Visualizations are must
- Clarity and non-ambiguity are a must-have
- White Space is much needed
- Be a Storyteller
- Eye and Color Code should be in a balanced state
- Don’t hesitate from seeking Feedback
If you want a stunning infographic to achieve success in business, visit InfographicDesignTeam.com.With years of experience we can help you decide which type of infographic to use with your brand in a way that will enhance your company image.
Visit us online at InfographicDesignTeam.com, check out our services and portfolio. Coz we are ‘Da Vincis’ when it comes to designing, and sooner or later, you will need us. Contact us today!