How To Encourage Sharing Of Your Infographic Using Social Media?

How To Encourage Sharing Of Your Infographic Using Social Media

There is no need to remind you again and again that using visuals in your content marketing may increase the number of total views by 94%. It can be achieved by adding a cute photo of your pet, a map or an Infographic. Yes, Infographics are especially compelling way to capture the attention of online readers and social media users.

Why Infographics are perfect for social media?

Have you realized that we have less and less free time, but in contrary we are bombarded with more and more information that we should analyze or ignore? And Infographic is a perfect way to grab people’s attention and educate them quickly and succinctly.

So what makes Infographics so engaging in a social media format?

1. Social media as well as our hectic life is all about speed. And Infographics help to communicate more information in a shorter period of time.

2. Social media is also about improving your social status. Who doesn’t want to show him- or herself from the best side? And Infographics are full of the kind of information (like fun facts and cool tidbits of information) we love to share with our friends via social media.

3. Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest set the trend of “very visual social media”. Visual social media = engaging social media! Meaning, now social media tends to accommodate and share images in the most user-friendly way. And Infographics fit nicely in this dynamic.

4. Social media becomes so much cluttered and “noisy” – the increasing stream of content begins to clutter everyone’s feeds. But Infographics are a great way to break through and to be seen.

How to reach your customers with Infographics in social media?

There are two main types of Infographics – brand Infographics and editorial Infographics. Brand Infographics contain information about your business, for example, milestones, announcements, new products and services. Visual press releases can be a good example of this Infographic type. In contrary, editorial Infographics tell an untold story and are based on history, research studies, polls, surveys, etc.

Marketing experts advise to include two Infographics per month on your blog or website. And later on they can be shared via social media as well.

To achieve the highest results, follow these best practices for promoting Infographics via social media:

1. Facebook – Due to Facebook’s limitations, upload a snapshot of the most compelling part of your Infographic and additionally include a link to the full Infographic. Mentioning or tagging people or companies involved in the Infographic will widen the reach.

2. Twitter – Twitter is a text-based social medium. So you should adjust to it by tweeting a link, even better a short link (because then you will be able to track clicks), to your Infographic. Additionally include hashtag “#Infographic” or “[INFOGRAPHIC]” in the tweet to increase the reach.

3. Pinterest – Pinterest is a very creative and informal platform, so don’t be boring and add fun in naming and describing your Infographics! And to increase the chances of your Infographic to become viral, join group boards and use hash tags in the descriptions.

4. LinkedIn – Bring value to your LinkedIn readers. Write some short text additionally to the link to your Infographic to show the benefit your customers will get from checking your Infographic.

What’s next?

Then you should promote your Infographics in a proper way via social media. How to do that was discussed in our last article “What’s New In Marketing With Infographics?”. In short, to succeed with your Infographic you should:

a) Decide if you are going for a brand or editorial Infographic, its thesis and main points;

b) Be short and clear in presenting the information, Great Infographic = Good design + Good editing;

c) Host your Infographic somewhere on your site and ensure that all your social links are pointing back to this page;

d) Make sharing of your Infographic easy – include quick and easy social share buttons for your Infographic;

e) Don’t forget to adjust your Infographic (by taking a snapshot) to different social media platforms (See our advices above).

So, use the social media potential for your business as much as possible. Being successful here means being noticed. And what can be more eye-grabbing and easy-to-understand than a stunning Infographic? Be loud in social media, make your customers hear your voice – make a shift from text-only posts to visually-rich posts by introducing Infographics. Good luck! 🙂
