How Infographic Can Help You In Content Marketing In 2013

How Infographic Can Help You In Content Marketing In 2013

On average, 28% of B2C and 33% of B2B marketing budgets are allocated to content marketing. What tactics are included there? Obviously, that is social media and blogs, newsletters, mobile content and microsites, and many others. But an important role in content marketing both for B2Bs and B2Cs plays Infographics and Video Infographics. Moreover, if consider increasing usage of Infographics in social media, blogs, white papers, newsletters and one-page websites, Infographics in 2013 are playing one of the major roles in B2B and B2C content marketing.

On pages of our InfoGraphic Design Team blog, we have discussed many times how you could use Infographics in your marketing campaigns. Now it’s the time to highlight content marketing 2013 benchmarks and trends. And of course the best way to do so would be to use Infographics. What else can give you a clear idea of an issue in as little as a minute? 😉
