How to Create High-Quality Infographics that Get More Shares

How do you create more high-quality infographics that get more shares? Sharing is the most important thing about having an infographic in a sense. Think of sharing as exponentially increasing your engagement with every share. Let’s say one person comes across your site and reads your infographic. They like it but they don’t share it. Okay, so you now have one potential new customer or lead.

But what if that same person now shares it with their Facebook audience? They may have twenty friends who also share it. This means you now have twenty more potential leads or customers. What if one of those friends has five-hundred friends? The potential is mind-boggling. Even if only a small portion of them take any action on it or come to your site, it is a chance for free advertising that tripled and quadruples with every share.

So how do you get more people to share your content? Think about these ideas. Because an infographic is meant to be shared.


Create Content that is Evocative

In the writing world, we use the term, “evocative” to refer to anything that provides an emotional reaction to what we write. You can do the same thing with your infographic. Simply create and include content that evokes an emotional response, such as a picture of a touching human interaction, a child, or a pet. Look through YouTube and look at some of the emotional videos that are receiving millions of views and get some ideas from that.

Use Superior Graphics

One of the most attractive things about infographics is the graphic element and visualization that is involved. People like pictures, and when they are online, they tend to avoid long strings of text for dynamic images and visual art. Using deep colors such as purple, blue, or green along with a splash of other colors where appropriate my increase your views and shares as well.

Include Important Data that is Valued by the Viewer

An infographic should encompass lots of data that they can use and apply. Peter J. Voogd, author of 6 Months to 6 Figures, makes this point nicely in his audiobook about increasing your income within a short period. He always states that you should always be learning what you can from all types of sources but that the most important part of knowledge is the application to your real life and work.

You can apply this same principle to your infographics and get more shares by offering some data that customers want and need to improve their businesses, lives, or financial standing.

Make it Mobile-Friendly!

By all means, make your infographics mobile-friendly! Not only does Google require this (and it is predicted that they will make a very fine point about this with the upcoming 2017 algorithm updates), but also you will be pleasing your mobile customers who are looking at your infographics on their mobile devices.

Remember that we are living in a world where it is nearly impossible to predict what type of devices customers will come in on to view your site and your web content. You should now think of every single thing that you put on your site, blogs, and other we properties as potentially viewed by mobile customers. You should make your infographics mobile-friendly as well so that you will get more shares from people using mobile devices.

If you miss out on this potential audience, you are missing out on a lot of people who could share your message with others and bring in more business.

Responsive Design

Offer something in return for the share

This is not an idea you should use all of the time but it is certainly worth considering once in awhile. When you offer something free for having visitors do something for you, you may be rewarded for your efforts at a later time. In other words, you can have a great infographic on your page or blog. But if no one shares it, you are leaving money on the table. You need to figure out a way to get more shares.

When you offer a free eBook, a free download of some sort, or another incentive, even people who were not going to share may decide to do so. When people get something for free, their perceived value of your brand goes up. So it may be worth it for you to occasionally offer something free for sharing. What you get back, in the long run, may be worth more than what you get immediately.

Create an Unforgettable Infographic

Of all of the tips that we could offer regarding your infographic, the best tips we could offer is to have a stunning infographic, to begin with. When you create something that is so compelling that people can’t seem to resist, you create a natural sharing tendency that will keep helping your business over time.

Social media has become a panacea of opportunity for businesses and brands to promote their products, sales, and ideas through a simple “share button.” But you first have to start with a great infographic. So start thinking about what you want to include.

What should you include in your infographic?

What should you include in your infographic? This is totally up to you. But it should reflect the information and the personality that you wish to project to others about your brand. Remember also that it doesn’t have to be a sales pitch. In fact, many of the best infographics are not sales-oriented. They are informational in nature and focus on the data that they believe will benefit people.


It’s Art with a Purpose

It’s best to think of an infographic as a work of art that is about data and information in a visual form. It’s not necessarily a sales pitch. It could be a timeline of your business in which you are informing your visitors about how long you have been in business and what you have accomplished. You could include some of the recent achievements of your company too. This helps build credibility.

But remember, in the grand scheme of things, it’s not about you or your brand. It’s about what your brand can do for your customers. Make it about addressing the points that your potential customers need to help them in some way. Put these solutions in a nice infographic and explain how your company can help them.

Any of these ideas will work when done skillfully and in an attractive way through an infographic. Write down what you want to say through your work and then let us talk to you about how to achieve it.

At, we understand the importance of creating dynamic, informative content that people will want to read and to share.

We can help you create video infographics, too. Check out our portfolio of work and see for yourself how we have helped brands to get their information and brand out there and create something that is shareable and convincing. Notice that we can also do presentations so you can incorporate your infographic in powerful presentation forms as well.

When you create an infographic (or any media) that can be used in multiple formats and environments, you increase the potential for more shares and sales.

That’s Because an infographic is meant to be shared.
