There is no denying that Facebook is huge. From its creation in a campus dorm room, to its expanding and becoming an entity and having the movie, “The Social Network” made. There’s absolutely no doubt that social networks continue to play an increasingly important part in many people’s lives. At some point we’re bound to reach a social media saturation point, but it doesn’t look like that point will arrive any time soon. For now, let’s embrace, and enjoy Facebook, while we still can.
To honor the massive social networking giant, the Infographic Design Team created the Fascinating Facts about Facebook Infographic.
The three key elements of any Infographic are: Subject, Design and Layout. Without breaking the rule of thumb, the title of the Infographic Fascinating Facts about Facebook is attractive, and highlights Social Media (Facebook) which is a trending arena in content marketing.
The design was sheer brilliance by skilled and very talented designers. (Note: No clipart was used) Once the main illustration was conceived, (The square-like character), the rest of the design fell into place.
With the focus lying primarily on Facebook, blue became the general color of choice. For the mascot, Blue 00A0C6, finished off with graphic elements, was applied. Yellow was selected due to its natural nature to ‘scream’ for attention. Once Yellow – FFD600 was added to the layout of the Infographic, it becomes (almost) impossible to ignore the Infographic, especially due to its presence with the title of the Infographic. The Jungle green, or B7D30B as is referred to in technical terms, provides a somber mood to the loud Yellow. And with green being a combination of blue and yellow, it fit right in with the rest of the colors. Other color variations splashed onto the Infographic include:
– Blue 0768A9, which was used in the title
– Red C41200, used for some text and graphics
– Dark blue (Facebook logo, icons) – 095AA6
When it comes to fonts and Infographics, there’s no limit. As long as the fonts relate and are relevant to the topic at hand, you’re safe. For this particular Infographic, the designers’ main choices were the Myriad and Zurich fonts (and its variations). Mister Earl and the more popular Times New Roman were thrown into the mix for a perfect balance.
We know audiences fall short when it comes to long boring text and graphics. So we sealed the Infographic with a KISS (Kept It Short and Simple). And to make it easy to share online we made it large enough for any legally blind grandma to view at Dimensions: 1000 x 5538.82715 and Printer Resolution: 800.
The Infographic was submitted to the following sites for review:
– (Received most views and shares)
– Infographics Central
– Love Infographics (136 Views)
– Visualizing (439 Views)
We loved the attention the Infographic was getting, so we went ahead and made an Infographic Video based on it.
[youtube rUA9t09GNaw nolink]
The visually appealing Infographic was picked up by TrendHunter, Central E-Commerce, and Infographics Only.
Did the Infographic go viral? Damn straight! Apart from the above mentioned views, it was tweeted, re-tweeted, shared and pinned several times.
Consider getting an Infographic designed by professionals and use them to creatively announce a new product instead of using a boring old blog post or press release. Or use them as an inbound marketing tool to inform new leads and drive insane traffic to your site.