9 Impressive Subject Lines That Increase Open And Response Rates Of Your Emails

Are you upset upon the fact that despite sending emails that add value to your target audience, you are missing out the bulk of your audience, and the revenue generated is not meeting your expectations? Do you know why? Because most of the emails you send are going straightaway to the spam folder. Or worse, they are just deleted by the recipients.  🙁

The perfect science behind a higher open rate is a subject line that is creative, arouses curiosity, informative and short. Would you open an email that has a subject line- “Hey, check my product out, I wanna sell it to you!”? Guess, no.

Why not? Because too much on the face marketing is repelling. You must be subtle, yet convincing. It doesn’t matter how much effort you have put in the email body. If your subject line is not captivating, you lose the game! All your hard work goes off the drain.

Today we would discuss nine email subject lines that are sure to make your open and response rates skyrocket. Check them, customize them on your own, and then try them out.

1. Question about your 2018 Marketing Goal
Questions increase curiosity. “What question the email sender is talking about?”, “Is it some way related to my business?” – These are the questions that strike the reader’s mind when he/she sees these kinds of subject lines.

And more the curiosity, more the opens. To know the questions, your readers will definitely click open.

2. “What should be our next Steps?”
Just after you first establish the connection with your prospect, if that person has suddenly gone too quiet, shoot an email with this subject line. This will re-engage and coerce the recipient to revert you if he/she is really serious about the project.

3. “Once I had a WORST Sales Meeting ever”.
Admit your mistakes. There is no shame in admitting and acknowledging your mistakes. Rather wear them like an armor. This kind of subject lines amuse the readers, and they get interested to know about errors that you made so that they don’t make them ever.

A high open rate is guaranteed.

4. “Do not OPEN this Email!”
Reverse psychology wins. The moment you bar someone from doing something, an instinct of doing the other way round comes into human mind. Something which is forbidden tends to prompt an actionable behavior. So when the recipient sees an email with this subject line, now or then, he/she will certainly open the email just out of curiosity as to why is it forbidden to open.

Simple psychology. It can be that sometimes this cannot work, but in most of the case, it does.

And even if it doesn’t we have five more subject lines for you. Just keep reading.  🙂

5. “Top 3 Reasons your Sales is down.”
All marketers are exceptionally possessive when it comes to their business. So whenever your subject line has something that is related to their sales and revenue, your email is sure to be opened. Because you have touched a sensitive part of your recipient. They will be desperate to know what exactly is making them losing sales and halting their growth.

Also, just to disagree with the reasons, they might open your email!

6. “We were just Hoping to Help.”
Vodafone’s “Happy To Help” catchphrase was loved by all and sundry. Who doesn’t like to be helped by someone, to be supported by someone without asking for it? The best tactic to market today is to ABH (Always Be Helpful). Your intentions are clear here, so there’s no scope of ambiguity. The recipient will like your openness, and firm approach and your email will be read.

7. “We had a brilliant Idea for you. And it’s FREE.”
Freebies are amusing and are loved by all. Be it a teenager, or a man in his forties, things that come for free, no matter what, do impress.

So when you come with a free idea, people are likely to take it. Maybe later they will forget about it, but at least your email will be opened and read.

For e.g., just as we have covered nine brilliant social media ideas to improve business, you can think about something in the same line, and create the subject line, using the magic word, “Free.”

8. “Found you through [referral name]”
When you take the name of a near acquaintance of the recipient, it’s natural that a personal connection will be established between you and the recipient. Don’t underestimate the power of referrals. The person you send the email to, he/she quickly recognizes the individual who has referred you. And the moment this happens, you get slightly closer to the recipient.

And once again your email is read!

According to LeadGenius, a subject line that starts with this tone received 86.6% open rate.

9. “7 Ways Big Corporates put Hurdles for you.”
These kinds of subject lines incite anger and suspicion in the minds of your target audience. This potential anger is made up when your words are read by them and psychologically strike them. Naturally, it contributes to the opening of the email and finding it out as to how large corporates could prove to be dangerous.

With all the tips mentioned above, very soon you would be able to make people open and read your emails and respond to your call to actions. Be ready to behold the stark difference between the open and response rates before, and after, when you start using the tips.

However, don’t follow our suggestions blindly, rather trust your gut feeling and check your inbox daily. See the emails that you open. Analyze that why do you open them, ignoring the others. Once you get that link, you are ready to create magic with your emails and boost your business like never before.

So what are your favorite sales email subject lines? Did we miss any? Please leave your comments in the comments section below. And if you need anymore simple ideas to create unique subject lines, get in touch with us.
