What are the two key ways to increase sales? Simple. Either you attract more leads. Or you close a higher percentage of leads that you generate. Marketing Automation, being an inseparable process of sales, helps you to do both. Marketing strategies that actually yields benefits are ought to be efficient and effective enough to improve the sales funnel conversion.
Now if your leads are slipping through the cracks, despite your investments of time and money, then let’s be honest, your sales team requires marketing automation. Because the actual goal of marketing automation is all about sales. And the prime way your sales team can avail it is by having an open communication with your marketing department. It goes without saying that you have to make both the departments have an open discussion, that’s how they can create the information based on the aspects of the best customers.
Some time back we had discussed the importance of marketing automation in your marketing strategy and had given you a glimpse on how your sales team can benefit from marketing automation. Today in this article, we would discuss it in detail.
So without any further ado, let’s get started!
1. Forget Cold Calls
Marketing automation gives your sales team a detailed scan report of the leads who are interested and who are not. This enables your sales team to spend time in front of serious prospects while keeping the disinterested ones in follow-up loop. The time that they would have to spend in random cold calling thus gets curbed.
2. Customized Marketing Pitch
The most crucial benefit that your sales team can get from marketing automation is a custom pitch while calling a potential customer. Customer intelligence dashboards give a detailed report as to what each lead cares about, which contents they have viewed, liked, and shared. This is a great way to talk to them about their specific needs.
3. No More Data Leakage
Today’s modern business needs to engage their prospects 24×7. But this highly escalates the chance of data leakage and broken sales processes. Marketing automation prevents these data leaks, and you are always aware when, how and why a lead is qualified. Consolidation will get you back on the track.
4. Shorter and Faster Sales Cycle
Marketing automation gives the sales team the impetus they need to more effectively foster the leads, draw them through the sales funnel more quickly and deliver more highly qualified leads to sales.
Research shows leads that are nurtured with diligence and care, tend to close faster and generate larger deals. And with automation, the process is not only smooth and hassle-free but is also faster and agile.
5. Bona Fide Data & Prompt Real-time Alerts
By merging your sales team with marketing automation, you give your sales team next-gen tools to close more sales, which makes their job easier. And why easier, because they are enabled to do smarter selling.
Engage your contacts at the perfect time in the sales cycle with alerts and notifications that don’t just tell you when to contact a lead, but why you should contact them and what you should talk about. No more lost profiles, mismatched data sets or subjective qualifications. Consolidated lead scoring keeps you up-to-date.
6. Custom Automated Emails
Sales representatives can highly personalize their marketing messages, and cold emails with the help of marketing automation, and can even send them at the perfect timing to the perfect customer.
Automated emails can be customized against each inbound actions you buyers take, such us subscribe to your monthly newsletter, or download your eBook, or download any content upgrades. And not just generic messages, but personalized messages can be dispatched.
By integrating Customer Relationship Management (CRM) into your marketing automation ensures that all email communications, automated or otherwise, are stored in your activity history for each of the leads.
7. Know when to call
Get alerted every time your website is visited, or a particular page is browsed. For, e.g., you can get alerted if one your existing buyers you are working with on a specific project, is studying another product or service page on your website. This could mean you are close to a whole new potential sales opportunity.
8. Cross-Selling and Up-Selling Opportunities
Detailed analysis of customer/lead data is given by marketing automation reports and dashboards. These analyses include purchase history and company size, which helps to identify a specific lead for cross-selling and up-selling. Based on the behavior history such as pre-purchase and post-purchase content interactions, the sales team can decide upon their follow up strategy.
Closing a deal is undoubtedly a delicate art. As any good marketer, you can all the more embellish this art by consolidating your sales team with marketing automation solutions – this will not only empower the sales team to close more deals, the processes of sales funnel conversions will become faster and agile. You are at a loss when your sales team spends their valuable time churning out customer specific data. Here comes the trick that marketing automation plays, to guide your sales team whenever a prospect is ready to be pitched and to be sold to.
I believe all the above reasons are convincing enough to motivate you to employ marketing automation into your Sales Team. Any comment or idea as to how you have executed it, please feel free to share. And if you still in doubt whether or not to build a synergy between marketing automation and your sales team, then go on and read the article once more.
Any help or further information needed, please feel free to let us know.