7 Ways To Retain Subscribers In Your Email Marketing Campaign

If you’re like most online business owners, you probably have an active email marketing plan going at all times to increase email subscribers. Email marketing is one of the single best ways you can capture the attention of your followers and customers through direct communication with them.

The challenge in creating email marketing campaigns is in figuring out how to keep the email subscribers you have. Much research and care need to go into retaining your current customers if you are going to keep clients and subscribers from leaving your subscription list.


Why do people unsubscribe?

One of the questions you have to answer to decrease your desertion rate is to figure out why people leave. It is difficult to create email subscription list that will bring you 100% success. Individuals who unsubscribe from your newsletter or email list do so for some different reasons. Some of the more common reasons are listed below.

  • Too many emails– One of the main reasons people drop an email subscription is due to receiving too many emails. The emails they receive may seem too sales-oriented, or they may just receive them too often. If you get unsubscription notices, you should pay careful attention as to why the person dropped your list, if they give you this information. This will give you a lot of insight into why many people drop your list.
  • Loss of interest in your brand– If people are dropping your email list, it could be a general apathy for your brand. If this happens, it’s possible that they just lost interest in what you are selling. People who only buy one product but don’t connect with your brand may fall into this category.
  • Bad experience with products– Some people who drop your email marketing list may have had a bad experience with your products. If this is the case, you may need to put some things in place that will improve your customer service or that will create an operating plan that will make customers happier after a sale.
  • Cleaning up email box– Some people delete or unsubscribe from an email list because they are just trying to clear the clutter of their email inbox. If they unsubscribe from your newsletter, it means that they did not feel it was important enough to keep the emails coming in. So you need to work on ways of increasing the perceived value of your information.
  • Failure to connect with your brand– If customers are not making a connection with your brand, they may drop your email newsletter due to lack of interest. People who feel loyal to a brand will want to keep their newsletter subscription because they have an interest in what you will do in the future. To keep these people, you have to continue to offer them something of value that transcends one sale.

You can learn more about each of the methods above of the customer retention strategies by investing your time and effort into online learning courses focused on email marketing, like this one on Udemy.

Building Customer Loyalty that Lasts

What we are talking about in this post is not an email marketing campaign. It is building customer loyalty through a sound email subscriber service. When people feel a connection to your brand, they will want to stay in contact with you in some way, even if it is to receive an occasional newsletter. To retain subscribers, you need to create value that lasts beyond the first sale. You have to create brand loyalty that gives them a motivation to keep you on their radar. In other words, you need to develop a relationship with your subscribers.

The following seven tips may help you to retain your subscribers in the future:

1. Ask for input.– If you want to get customers and subscribers more involved in your company and your brand, you should open the floor for questions and ask for input. People will respond to questions and comments if you give them a chance to do so. Provide a link to your blog or YouTube channel within your emails and ask for their opinion. This may serve to open the door for future communications from them and make them motivated to keep your newsletter subscription.

2.Offer a free gift.– If you want to create real value for your customers and subscribers, you have to offer value. Sometimes that value comes in the form of actual monetary value that you offer your subscribers. Include a link to a coupon or gift such as an eBook or video that will help them in some way. If you offer something free without asking for anything in return, you may inspire them to act on your offer.

3. Use catchy titles in the subject line– There’s nothing that inspires people to act more on an email than to include a catchy, interesting title in the email subject line. Some of the most efficient lines are listed on the Hubspot blog. There are many others that you can think of on your own. As long as you think about what your potential customer might be interested in, you can think of a line that will work with them.

Make it professional but witty such as, “Open this to reach your business goals.” Just make sure that you are offering something that might help them achieve their business goals and don’t try to trick them to open the email only because you want them to.

4. Offer occasional webinars or live videos.– People love video more than text so offering a video embedded within your email or a link to your YouTube channel about a trending topic might do the trick. People respond to video and other media more than text alone, so it’s wise to include podcasts, videos, and infographics within your email marketing campaign.

5. Provide your contact information.– If you provide your contact information at the bottom of your emails, you may get more people to make contact with you and invest in your brand. Give them your company email and phone number as well as your social media account pages, so you’ll get some action on your social media pages as a result of your email.

6. Keep the conversation going.– Keeping in touch with your customers and subscribers is important if you want to connect with them on a personal level. So don’t just send a company email about a product without follow-up. Send them a follow-up email or post something new on your blog and ask for comments.

7. Ask customers to update their contact information.– Some customers may drop from your subscription list because they are cleaning out their email inbox, or perhaps they change their email and fail to tell you. Asking customers to keep their contact information up-to-date may alleviate some of these issues and keep you on the radar of your potential customers.


How Infographics Design Team Can Help

If you want a unique way to integrate your infographics and media within your email newsletter, contact us at infographicdesignteam.com. We create stunning professional infographics for companies that get the attention of your target audience.

If your emails are mundane, spice them up with a winning infographic!

It could mean the difference between winning customers and seeing an “unsubscribe” notice.
