7 Powerful Tools for Tracking Social Media Brand Engagement

Are you looking for more powerful tools and resources to help track your social media and brand engagement? Do you need to increase your ROI (return on investment) so that you know your ad dollars and other investments are paying off?

The bottom line is the bottom line. By that, we mean “the bottom line” or most important thing about your business is that your bottom line improves. You need more positive revenue and cash flow so that you can expand your business and grow your brand.

We scoured the web to find some of the best tools to use for tracking your social media engagement that may help you improve your ROI.



Mention.com is a tool that allows you to monitor your social media engagement as well as mentions about you on the major social media outlets. This allows you to control your reputation online as well as focusing on monitoring the level of engagement.

You can monitor and keep track of keywords that trigger mentions for your brand in various media outlets and reply or retweet immediately when you notice the mention. This can keep your customer complaints at bay and control the level of damage done by negative comments in social media. It allows you to monitor your brand from several outlets rather than just one and provides a way to keep track of how your brand is perceived online.


Social Mention

Social Mention is another tool that lets you monitor your presence on social media and control the outcome. Unlike Mention.com (discussed previously), Social Mention is a more “down and dirty” tool that allows you to simply enter search terms or your brand name to get results quickly and easily through their search engine.

You can just mention your brand name in the search to get results of how your brand is faring within your social media outlets and monitor and control what is going on in all of your channels.


Talkwalker Alerts

Talkwalker Alerts is an online platform that allows you to get alerts whenever your brand is mentioned using specific search terms. It is compared to Google Alerts in the way it works and includes some valuable information such as geolocation, demographic data, and more.



Hootsuite is a social media marketing tool that allows you to monitor social media mentions across the web. It also serves as a way to find new prospects and customers. So it is a great all-in-one tool to use to monitor and control your social media connections.

The presence of your brand in social media is of utmost importance when it comes to keeping your reputation online in tact. Just a few negative comments can discourage others from dealing with you or your brand. Hootsuite allows you to listen to what your customers are saying about your brand and find out better ways to engage your audience.

With valuable feedback from customers that you didn’t know was there, it puts you in a much better position to decide what to do next to increase your social media presence and influence with potential customers.

Analytics tools are included in Hootsuite’s toolbox so that you will be able to analyze the effectiveness of certain campaigns and know what to do to improve your strategies. You can get started with HootSuite for free and then increase your package if you want, as you see the need.

It’s a robust tool, to say the least if you want to monitor, analyze, and control the results you are getting from your social media outlets.



Keyhole is a great tool that allows you to track hashtags on Twitter or Facebook, accounts, keywords, mentions, and URLs. This gives you a window into the behaviors of customers and visitors from a wide variety of sources through only one portal.

Once you enter a search term in the search box, such as a hashtag, the compiling engine will start searching for matches. This may take a couple of minutes as it gathers all of the matches to that keyword on the web. Then, you will automatically see a graph that shows the data and peaks for that hashtag (or other metric you put in), in real-time. Additionally, you will see all of the posts that have been made using that word, and you will be able to read them and see who posted them.

This is valuable to a site owner who wants to track certain hashtags or keywords that you use on your site or just to see what is trending. In fact, you may want to use this in conjunction with Google’s keyword tool as a supplemental tool to track the effectiveness of certain keywords.



Brandwatch.com is a tool that every site owner should have. It scours 80 million sites to find information on how your brand is doing. It helps to reveal what makes your customers tick and what motivates them to purchase while browsing for certain items or search terms. It is a tool with a birdseye view of your brand that covers the entire globe, in a sense.

This is a valuable tool in that it allows you to take a peek into what factors influence buying decisions of your customers and how you can help create that motivation in the way you present your brand.

Decision-making for your business becomes easier when you base those decisions on sound data and know that there is a reason for your strategies.

You can book a demo online at their site and talk to a consultant before ordering or try it out for yourself. This is a more robust solution than many of the others, but it may well be worth it based on what you get in return.


Google Alerts

If all you want is a quick and easy solution without the frills, try Google Alerts. You probably know about this tool. It’s been around awhile. Many people use it as a way to monitor news sources that they want information from. But there is also a way to monitor yourself and your brand. Just look at the top of the page when you are signed into Chrome, and you’ll see a section called, “Me on the web.” This section is designed to alert you about where you or your brand are mentioned, talked about, or referenced about your brand.

Let Us Help with Your Online Branding and Exposure

All of these tools are helpful when it comes to knowing how your brand is faring on the web. To improve your presence and help explain your brand to these people on social media and other locations, consider having an infographic done about your brand.

Infographics are a great way to improve your reputation, advertise and promote your brand, and answer questions that you may be seeing through social media. When you have this sort of knowledge about how people are viewing your brand, you can use your investment dollars more wisely to improve your bottom line.

Contact us at InfographicDesignTeam.com to get started.
