
5 Must Use Infographic Design Ideas for Digital Marketers Today

Innovative Infographic Design ideas 2018 are expected to lead to a rapid paradigm shift in the ongoing graphic designing concept.  Surveys suggest that in this current year this method would emerge as a concoction of innovation, creativity, and design to attract a large number of customers.

Although, Infographics have existed for several years, yet the present form would need a change in its designing principles for more customer engagement.

Today, there has been an increase in the use of infographic among marketers. A large segment of corporate professionals have been providing a vast store of information online to their audience. Without any doubt, every business owner and digital marketer strives to make a difference in the online marketing platform to emerge successfully amidst fierce competition.

Hence, the business minds keep devising lucrative ideas that would make it easy for their target customers to find them online and finally help them. So, using advanced infographic design elements would enable a team to convey an essential message to his audience in a more appealing way.

Infographic – meaning, definition, and usage

Infographic –  a form of content marketing has both “information” and “graphics.”  in it. It is the new creative notion that has emerged as one of the best visual tools of digital marketing strategies today. These graphic visual representations of information are created with an intention to present necessary knowledge as quickly and clearly as possible to the target audience.

Among all other types of visual contents, Infographic has the highest level of viewer engagement. It is a proven method to grab the attention of the target audience with its various interesting and exciting elements. These visual contents add value to a website.  It is a useful Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tool to boost site rankings, increase visibility and ultimately convert visitors into customers.


Infographic is important for a successful digital marketing campaign.

Infographic is a pursuit used to improve cognition of the viewers. With this graphics utilization approach, the human visual system gets a push to recognize patterns and trends. This mode of communication is used to present a complicated subject simply. Moreover, it also transforms an uninteresting theme into a fascinating experience. Ideally, an infographic has become well known for its visual appeal as it engages the audience with the content topics.  Hence, it can convert visitors into significant leads.


Infographic is an optimal mass communication tool.  The design is created to quickly convey the required information to the masses which can further add to the readers’ knowledge base.

What infographic design strategies would work for 2018?

Infographic act as a bridge between the companies information delivery system and customers’ attention span. When it comes to infographic design ideas 2018, it is expected that creativity would be the top priority to rule this digital marketing tool.  Representation of information would continue to be visually appealing.  Both visual and textual elements would get equal focus while communicating through this online marketing tool.

Let’s take a look at the 5 must use infographic design ideas in 2018 that would add to your digital marketing campaign.

Idea 1:  Interactive infographic design strategy will be a huge hit

One of the leading infographic design strategies of 2018 is interactive infographic or infogifs. Among all other infographic design elements,  this is the best way to engage the audience.  This action gives priority to Videos Movements, GIFs etc. Such movements generate highest user engagement rates thereby capturing the attention of a huge crowd.

Content creators continuously brainstorm to generate the most engaging, informative and appealing content. Despite several creative techniques, a large number of blogs/articles get lost as they fail to resonate with the target audience. So, while planning an information layout, it is necessary to understand consumer’s mindset and include designs.


According to scientific report – 12 Brain Rules by Dr. John Medina, “Vision triumphs all other senses.”  It means that people remember 10% of what he reads but 90% of what he sees.  In 2018 and the years to come, infographic designs with movements would thus make a massive difference.

Interactive infographics are pattern of information that enable the viewers to interact with the input. Albeit in a different league from static infographics, this form is considered to be a  profitable approach for businesses too.

Idea 2: Typography design principle is a must for 2018

Creative typography is another must use infographic designs 2018.  This infographic trend has been in use for quite a long time and the coming years will continue to enjoy the benefit as well.

Typography or the art of depicting text comes in many shapes and forms. This art form can be used in a way “typographical hierarchy” also. A typographical hierarchy has a styling pattern of text relating to an organization and level of importance.

Some infographics today, however, utilize typography more dynamically, rather than following a set structure for the entire piece. As a result, viewers’ eyes continuously shift between sections.

Initially, this approach becomes confusing for the users, but gradually they can read the segmentation between sections conveniently.


Idea 3: Use of bright and attractive colors – must infographic designs 2018

One of the leading trends that have been in use for quite a while and will continue to rule the online market in 2018 also – the use of bright and attractive colors in the infographic presentations.

Brilliant colors make the content more visually appealing and become prominent among other similar infographics. Such color schemes are fun and engaging and thus conveniently grab the attention of the user.  Infographic designers can create a combination of gradients, flat style illustrations, 3D graphics or photography to generate a masterpiece.

However, designers should be careful while using bright colors, bright yet soothing colors make the design appealing but bright texts would not be enticing  It’s better to spawn a layout on white or black typography to make sure it’s easily readable.

Idea 4:  Imply Dual color tones for more significant effect in 2018

Duotones or dual color tones are the practice of integrating a two-color feature on an image to change its appearance dramatically. It’s a trend which isn’t exclusive to infographics only, but over the years this design element has been useful in graphic design.  An implication of dual color tones produces vibrant images that captivate the audience instantly.


Idea 5: Modern Retro infographic design elements will rule this year

The retro element is among several known infographic design elements. It includes the old type of designs, textures, pale colors and background. Retro designs are classic infographic design styles used to present information to the target client base. This kind of design trends have a vintage look and is created corresponding to the message content.

In 2018 modern “retro” design or “pixelated” art style will rule the designing industry.  Modern retro features plain colors with minimal stylistic elements. These elements include transparency, textures, and gradients.

The main difference between a simple retro-element and modern retro design is the images’ distinctive and block characteristics. This particular trend will mainly be apparent in new brands in the current year.


Infographic design 2018 and beyond

Social media sites; Facebook and Twitter acknowledge infographics as favorite digital marketing tools. With this method, these networking sites provide an opportunity to individual organizations to spread their brand message to a diverse group of people worldwide.

To conclude, 2018 will be a year to bring a considerable change in the entire infographic designing principles. Layouts with excellent features will grab the attention of the audience.  So a designer needs to identify those captivating and innovative design elements, illustrations and visuals that can give the marketers opportunity to present compelling information to his target audience in an alluring way.
