Search engines have become such an important part of our lives that whatever it is that we need a knowledge or information about, we tend to refer to the search engine and everything related to our search appears before us. Sometimes the overload of information harasses us and we end up wasting our time in finding the exact amount of information that would do. However, one must be conscious about what he or she is posting on the internet as “information”, whether it is at all helping the readers or just simply wasting their time. Online marketing has become so cheap that people tend to put anything online to optimize their website. Sending promotional emails, writing free blog posts or even updating the social media profiles have become so cheap and popular that nobody bothers whether they are actually wasting the time of the users and readers.
There are quite some mistakes that one must avoid while using the online market for promoting their site or information. They are:
1. Avoid using complexity
It is often believed that the more complex you make your site or information, the more scholarly will it be. This is however not the fact. People do not read your article to check out your literary knowledge, but to satiate their quest. So, if you do not want them to be disappointed with the article as they are unable to understand the sarcasms or puns that you have put in, or to be disappointed as they have to spend too much time in understanding what you have implied, then using simple language is the best idea. The more you avoid using jargons and bombastic sentences, the more you will get readers for your article.
2. Do not clog the inboxes daily
Most of the time the bloggers think that publishing a new article daily and sending the readers alerts about your posts every now and then, is a good idea. On the contrary, this will waste time of your readers and not help in getting quality readers as your articles do not have quality. It is intelligent to write articles only when you have something to share with your readers.
3. Do not write for SEO only
This is one of the major mistakes that the writers do. When they write articles, they always think of the word count, or the key words, or other rules for satisfying Google. This is however, not a very good way. The purpose for writing at first should be for sharing information, and then for optimizing your site on Google. Writing for the crawling robots from the house of Google will simply not do. When you write something keeping the reader in mind, then it becomes quite easy for you to imagine how the article should be. Think of yourself as the reader and you will get to understand what a reader expects – useful information in a simple language, or unimportant trash in a bombastic, incomprehensible and tough language.