17 Ways to Generate Website and Infographic Traffic for Free

Infographics are a great way to get your message and brand out to the world, without the need for your audience to simply read what seems to be endless text content. In short, infographics bring long-form text and data to life through visuals that people truly enjoy!

Everyone loves infographics because they are easy to understand, quick to browse through and easy to share. With all of these key elements in mind, it’s not enough to just design a great looking infographic, you also need to know how to promote it to the masses as well. In addition to getting people to see your infographic, they are also great platforms for increasing links back to your site and new leads for your business.

Creative Infographic Marketing Ideas

Today we are going to quickly run through a list of the top ways to start promoting your infographic once it’s live for viewing. Implement each of these methods into your existing marketing and outreach efforts to see the best return on investment with your infographics.

1 – Add Infographic to Your Site

The most immediate thing every brand should do after having an infographic created is to publish it on their site. In addition to posting the infographic live on your site, it is heavily recommended that you write an original article to go along with it. The article should be at least 500-words in length, which is will also help your site rank in the search results.

2 – Used Embed Codes for People to Share Your Infographic

This one goes along with adding the infographic to your site. Once your infographic and article is published, you should include an ’embed code’ at the bottom of your content. The benefit of adding an embed code is so other site owners can simply copy/paste this code to their site, which will allow the infographic to be posted to their site. Getting other sites to include your infographic within their content and linking back to your site is one of the most effective ways to increase traffic, branding and rankings in the search engines. Embed codes make the whole process and a lot easier for other sites to post and share your content.

3 – Add Social Sharing Buttons to Your Site

There are currently over 3 billion people across all of the major social networks in the world today. Make it easy for your site visitors to share your content with their friends and following by adding social sharing buttons to your page. If you are running a WordPress site, this can easily be accomplished with a free plugin titled “Floating Social Bar“.

4 – Post Your Infographic in Relevant Forums and FB Groups

With so many people on social media, it would be a huge mistake for your site or brand to not be using it to promote your infographic. Whether it’s friends, family or brand followers, send out your infographic to all social networks you are currently using. Also, be sure to link back to the infographic where it’s hosted on your site.

5 – Reach Out to Other Blogs within Your Niche

If you want to reach new audiences and rank higher in the search results, you will need to get your content featured on other sites. One of the best ways to accomplish this is through personal outreach. Send emails to other sites within your niche and see if they would like to feature your infographic on their site. Try and offer an incentive, such as an original article to post with the infographic to increases your chances for success.

6 – Replace Broken Infographic Links with Your Own

There are over a billion active sites on the internet today. Many of these sites have old links which no longer work. Using advanced link tracking tools, you could provide the service of finding broken links on other websites, then send the site owner an email to let them know about the broken link and offer them the opportunity to link back to your site and infographic as a new source. For this to work effectively, make sure you are offering value, not coming off as spammy in your emails and also only approaching sites that are relevant to your infographic.

7 – Guest Blog on Other Industry Sites and Showcase Your Infographic

With so much content on the internet, there is a never ending need to create more of it. Guest blogging is a great way to get other sites to publish your content for free, while also giving them quality content to publish on their site. In exchange for your writing, the content creator will usually receive a link back to their site within their author area. If the site permits, try and write an article that is relevant to your new infographic and be sure to include it as a reference or source for more information.

8 – Add Your Infographic to Infographic Directories

Since everyone loves infographics, it only makes sense for there to be independent sites that feature new infographics every day. The same is true with infographic directories. Take the time to visit these sites and submit your infographic for inclusion. This process will take some time, but it’s also one of the best ways to get your infographic out there while also increasing links back to your site.

9 – Promote on Pinterest

Pinterest is all about sharing images and content for others to see. Infographics do extremely well on Pinterest, as they are an image and also a great source for information. When posting to Pinterest, try to post to relevant infographic groups and other relevant pins related to the content within your infographic. (ie: Post cooking infographics in relevant cooking Pinterest groups and pages)

10 – Share on Your Facebook Fan Page

As a brand, you should already have an active Facebook Fan Page, if not — you need to create one immediately. With fans already subscribed to your Fan Page and looking for new content, this is a perfect opportunity to share your infographic with an audience who is already interested in what you have to offer. In addition to your own Fan Page, there are probably other infographic-focused Facebook Groups you can include in your infographic promotions as well.

11 – Share with Friends on Facebook

Even if you aren’t a brand or don’t have a Fan Page of your own, Facebook is still a great way to share content with your friends and family. If you’d like to get more likes, comments and attention for your infographic, post it to your personal Facebook page and ask for your following’s advice or what they liked about it. The more comments and likes you receive, the more people that will see the infographic and Facebook status update.

12 – Continually Tweet Out to Users on Twitter

Twitter currently has over 300 million active users on their site. Unlike Facebook, where only a small portion of your followers actually see your content, everyone on Twitter can see what you have to say and the content you post. In addition to just posting status updates and your latest content to your Twitter feed, you should also be using #infographic hashtags and any other relevant tags that would represent the content and data within your infographic as well. A good example of this would be if you had a social media or marketing infographic and used hashtags like #entrepreneur, #business or #marketing.

13 – Post Your Infographic on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is all about business, marketing, entrepreneurship and social media. If you created an infographic focused on any of these areas, you should definitely promote it to these audiences as well. To find the most success with promotions on LinkedIn, make sure your content is business related and offers something of value that your contacts would be interested in. Another quick tip for reaching audiences through LinkedIn is to publish articles through your account, which will post directly to LinkedIn for others to see.

14 – Upload Your Infographic to SlideShare

SlideShare is one of the top sites on the internet for presentations and slideshows. The site also offers the ability for users to post infographics. With millions of users accessing SlideShare daily, it would be a big mistake to not be posting your infographic content to their site. For each infographic added to SlideShare, be sure to include a unique article or description and a link back to your site.

15 – Turn Your Infographic into a Video

YouTube is one of the largest websites and search engines in the world today — the only problem is they don’t allow you to post images or infographics to their site. To get around this issue, you could have your infographic turned into a video. This can be as simple as taking a screen capture video (with Camtasia or Screenflow software) while talking over it while discussing all data points, or simply using our recommend infographics to video service to outsource the whole process.

16 – Run a Social Sharing Contest Around Your Infographic

Social sharing contests are a great way to bring attention to any content or infographics that you might have created for your sites. To set up a social contest of your own, it can be as simple as requiring users to share your post and then leaving a comment on your site, or you can use advanced features like premium WordPress contest plugins that can track social shares and pick random winners at the end of your promotion. No matter what method you choose, incentivizing the social sharing process is always a great way to see improved results.

17 – Use Relevant Hashtags on Top Social Networks

We already mentioned the importance of using hashtags on Twitter, but did you know other networks use hashtags as well? Use the #infographic hashtag whenever promoting your infographic, but also don’t forget to use hashtags based on the data and content you are promoting within your infographics. A good example of this would be if you had an infographic created around top sports teams. When sharing this content on social media, rotate your hashtags to include top sports teams, players, and events to reach new audiences and help with your chances of going viral. Once this is done, you could then reach out to some of the top sports blogs on the internet today and see if any of them would like to start sharing your content with their audiences. This can easily be done through social media, and if you are willing to put in the time and effort to focus on email outreach, the results could be even better.

Let Us Get Started

We’ve done the hard work and research for you, now it’s time to put everything we covered into action. Apply just one of the methods above to your infographic marketing and outreach daily and over the course of the next several weeks and months, you will likely have reach thousands of new audiences.

If you are thrilled with the idea of infographic marketing and what it can do for your brand or business but don’t currently have an infographic of your own — click here to view our portfolio and then contact our design team so we can start creating an amazing infographic for your site!
