11 Useful Tips To Make Your Email Newsletter Attractive, Appealing and Alluring

Email campaigning has been the heart of the success stories of many businesses. Engaging and creatively designed email newsletters act as triggers that tempts customers to find out more. Email newsletter campaigns also help brands to stay remembered in the minds of their target audiences. A smartly designed newsletter with striking visuals coerces the readers to click it.

Today we would discuss eleven simple, yet effective design tips on how to create an email newsletter that is attractive and visually appealing.

1. A Clean and Organized Layout is crucial
Don’t go for any complexities. Complex designs distract readers and make it overwhelming. To hold your readers’ attention from beginning until the end, go for a clean and crisp layout that are easy to create. You can refer to the email newsletter templates to get an idea about the correct and required email newsletter size. Next, create a rough layout for yourself first and then proceed to include the necessary contents and graphics.


2.Abide by the Color of your Logo
Stay true to your branding and brand colors. Since your brand logo will be there in the newsletter, abide by the color of it. Your logo’s color should always be in your color palette for the newsletter. Use it throughout the design as in font colors, border shades, and other elements.

Also since customer psychology is driven mostly by colors, be very pru-dent in choosing the apt colors that will kindle their interest to read your newsletter.

3. Create an Striking Header
Undoubtedly, the header of your newsletter has to be the most prominent of all. Header serves as the identity of your brand, and your customers can easily recognize your brand through it. The header must be at the very top of your newsletter and should include the title of your newsletter, name of your company and your business logo.

There are plenty of free online tools available that can help you create appealing headers for your newsletters, and for which you don’t need any graphic design experience. But after all, it is always recommended that you leave graphic design jobs to the experts. You may hire a professional agency to create winning header designs for you.

4. Use White Space Strategically
Let your design breathe sometimes. And how is it possible? Make yourself used to with white space. It is easy to digest any information which comes with deliberate and smart use of white spaces. Because the human brain can scan, interpret and break down elements quickly when texts are arranged strategically with white or negative spaces.

Remember, less is more. Clever use of white space creates a good deal of impact on readers. Like it has made FedEx, and Apple famous, for their smart usage of white space.


5. Clickable Elements must be Recognizable
Make sure all the clickable elements you give in your newsletter, are recognizable. If they are hidden or blended within the design, the readers will miss them out. And since clicks are the new currency of the Internet, you can’t afford to lose a single click. Choose a color scheme that makes the clickable elements noticeable.

6. Use Appealing Pictures
Images attract human eyes. The moment your target audience will see an engaging image nicely positioned on your newsletter, that will instantly grab his/her attention. You don’t have to take much trouble, just take some good quality snaps from your digital camera and use them in the layout. But yes, ensure the pictures are in high resolution. Any low-resolution image will get pixelated and will also hamper your brand name.

Some photography subject ideas are a new employee to your team, or a new product you are about to launch or maybe a snap from the latest annual meeting of your company. Just by adding some pictures, you can pull in your customer’s attention and increase the effectiveness of your message.

7. Use Short and Sweet Text
Avoid long paragraphs and big sentences. With the gradual waning attention span of people all over, you must not feed them with big texts and long paragraphs. Moreover, most of your newsletters would be targeted to the higher officials of a company, who generally have lesser time than others. So short, sweet yet effective texts are perfect for your next newsletter.

Also, try to give some variety in your topics. Many newsletters are received by a director of a company, most of which he either deletes of sends to trash. If you do not want your newsletter to receive the same fate, give them some value. With the help of a good CRM platform, analyze the preferences of each of your customers, and send them topics they take an interest in.

8. Use Subheadings
Subheadings are a must-have when you have to arrange different pieces of content. Give your reader a feel that he’s reading his morning newspa-per. That will work like magic for you trust me. Use clear fonts for your subheadings and make them smaller in size compared to the header. However, the font size for subheading texts must be slightly bigger than the size you use for your Blog posts.

Subheadings help a lot to display contents in a cohesive manner.

9. Make use of Standard Fonts
When selecting fonts for newsletters, ensure top priority. Just as I mentioned in the last point, use clear fonts. Basic fonts like Times New Roman, Verdana, Calibri, Arial or Helvetica are recommended. Stick to any one of them, or maximum two. Too many fonts make a clutter and also confuses the reader.


10. Keep Single yet Effective Call-To-Action
If you give too many choices, it is most likely that you will confuse the audience. This is called the problem of plenty. When too many call-to-actions are offered to a reader, the chances are high that he/she will get confused and impulsively pick one. The very next moment a thought might come to him/her, that the other CTA might have been right to select. This creates a sense of doubt, a dilemma. Also, leaves a poor impression.

Better stick to only one, but highly visible, distinctly prominent and assertive call-to-action that will not only evoke your audience to take action, but will also convey the purpose of your newsletter loud and clear.

Ensure that the CTA is well positioned, so much so that people can easily find it. To be doubly sure that your readers don’t miss it out, choose a color that stands out of the rest and quickly comes into notice.

11. Don’t forget a Responsive Design
Mobile has left desktop behind and have won the race of Internet surfing. Today, nearly half of emails are opened and viewed on smartphones. And this is not the end. Research by Yesmail found the “proportion of mobile email clicks increased 10% between Q4 2014 and Q1 2015, with mobile now representing 45% of all email clicks.” So it clearly determines how much it is important to optimize your newsletters for mobile devices. Otherwise, it is highly possible that you lose a significant amount of ‘opens’ and ‘clicks.’


And not only mobiles, but your newsletter must also be optimized for tablets as well. Basically, you will simply need a responsive design to increase the open rates of your newsletters. Ensure your designers are well aware of this fact.

Thus, all and said and done, use these tested and tried tips to create an awesome experience for your audience through your creatively designed newsletters. Because after all, it is all about making your audience’s path to conversion, an easy and smooth journey. So try these eleven tips and spice up your newsletters each time you set for an email campaign. If you have an in-house team, share these tips with them so that they come up with newsletter your audience will look forward to.

And if you want to take help of the online tools, keep these tactics in mind.

However, in the case of free online templates, you won’t get the flexibility to customize your design according to your preferences. So it is best recommended to hire a professional graphic design agency and get the designs done for them. Because with a professional team, you will not only get high quality designs but will also get value for your money. So leave the job with the pro! Get an engaging and user-friendly email newsletter today!

Leave a comment and share your feedback. And if you need your own emauil newsletter for your next email campaign, feel free to get in touch.
