11 Twitter Tools To Sky-Rocket Your Business In Social Media

Internet analytics giant Alexa has ranked Twitter at no. 8, globally and domestically!

No doubt, Twitter is among the top tier social media network used for on both personal and business level. No wonder having Twitter as an integral part of your marketing strategy can skyrocket your business. Currently, Twitter boasts of more than 300 million active members, and what more astounding is, 82% of those users are active on mobile platforms. So it is quite easy to deduce that understanding the importance of social media in business & availing it for your venture’s is not an easy task. Twitter marketing involves a lot of sleepless nights.

Twitter is all about engagement, and this engagement must not cross the 140 characters limit. So you can guess how tough it is to generate hype for a brand among the Twitteratis. You must engage your audience, organize and manage your followers, and lastly create relevant content. And indeed it becomes frustrating to do all this within the native Twitter app. But to make your life a little easier, we have come up with a few best twitter tools for business that help you take care of these aspects. It can be that you already know some of the commonly used Twitter tools and have used them. But you will be surprised to know that there are so many of them.

So without further ado, keep on reading to find out the 11 best twitter analytics tools that you should be using right now.

1. ManageFlitter
Make your Twitter account more intelligent with ManageFlitter. It has got a unique feature of Powerpost, that will schedule your Twitter posts on its own, for optimum visibility & engagement. ManageFlitter is a free Twitter tool that offers insights and analytics, and also allows you to unfollow all the inactive Twitter accounts.


2. Bit.ly
Don’t think it to be just a URL shortening platform. Bit.ly is more than that. Once you log in to you free Bit.ly account, you will be given a dashboard where you can shorten and share links directly to multiple Twitter accounts. This dashboard helps you keep track of the stats and engagement rates of these links, and you can plug your Bit.ly API key into Twitterfeed, Seesmic or Tweetdeck. This plugging in of the API key will help you get stats of the links you share on these applications.

And top-notch bloggers like @techcrunch, @marismith, and @problogger use Bit.ly for their purpose.

3. T.U.N.S.
This is a notification tool that notifies you whenever someone unfollows you. T.U.N.S stands for Twitter Unfollower Notification Service. No matter how famous your brand is, you cannot prevent people unfollowing you. But how T.U.N.S help turn this situation into a positive one is, you can get deep insights of the lost followers and can get to the actual cause of why they have unfollowed you. Thus you can get to know where exactly you went wrong, make necessary tweaks to your marketing strategy.


4. Buffer
Used by @jaybaer, @tweetsmarter, and @askaaronlee, Buffer helps you schedule your posts scientifically and obtain relevant analytics.

Obviously, you don’t want to overwhelm your audience with posts after posts within an hour or so. Buffer helps you schedule your tweets methodically by dividing the posting time within 24 hours. Buffer also tells you about the tweets your audience love, what they don’t. as well as which time of the day you get the most action on your tweets

5. Audiense
A certified Twitter tool that every novice, and pro-Twitter person use. Audience is a brilliant tool to find the marketing influencers to reach out, find the right time to tweet that gives you the maximum CTR. As well as running automated Direct Message campaigns.

Audiense is a popular enterprise level Twitter management tool to help you make most out of your Twitter account.

6. CoTweet
An excellent tool mostly used by companies, to engage, track and analyze conversations about their brands. There’s a free version and an enterprise version. With the free version, you can manage your Twitter accounts, schedule the tweets, keep conversation history intact for a month, collaborate and communicate with multiple users, track the CTRs, receive analytics, and much more.


The enterprise version gives all of these, with an added feature of integration with Salesforce, advanced user roles, and permission, full analytics, workgroups, etc.

This is used by @emarketer, @chrispirillo, @nealschaffer, and many more.

7. Tchat.io
Tchat.io comes up with a branded and logical hashtag that people could use while Tweeting about your chat. Because a Twitter chat is a great way to bring all the social media community together and get more followers. And hosting a Twitter chat engages your current followers, as well as attract new prospects. And Tchat.io does exactly the same. You can just enter your hashtag in Tchat.io, and see conversations in real time.

8. Twtrland
By Twtrland you can find potential followers and analyze their Twitter accounts. Twtrland is a powerful tool that categorizes social profiles into almost 60,000 categories. You can refine your search filtering the profiles based on the categories, and there are more filters to try out and refine your search.

Twtrland opens up the social profile to you with all the relevant details. With the help of this tool, you can check what are the most popular contents among them, what types of content they tend to share, whom they are interacting with.

9. Sprout Social
Sprout Social is a one-stop solution for your Twitter activities. This tool allows you to do almost everything, viz, track hashtags, schedule your Tweets, get in-depth analytics and insights, monitor and track your brand mentions throughout Twitter, manage your other social networks, like Facebook, LinkedIn Instagram, and much more. Companies can handle their Twitter profiles from one dashboard that makes communication and coordination easier. Simply put, Sprout Social is one of the many social media tools that helps escalate your social media engagement. Not only on Twitter, but also on across multiple social media networks.


10. Tweriod
To make it big in Twitter, you must engage. And to make your engagement rate sky-high, you must hit it at the right time. There’s an old saying that hit the iron when it is hard. To build your engagement, you need to tweet right when your target audience is most active. But of course, it is not possible for you to know beforehand when they will be active. So a bit of spying is needed here.

Tweriod does exactly the same, but logically. It is a great Twitter tool that helps you keep track of the time when most of your followers are active so that you can schedule your tweets accordingly. You can find out the most interactive period of the day and leverage the insight for your own good.


11. Buzzsumo
As we all know, anything that is new or trendy, trends the most in Twitter. Twitter is the trending hub for any topic, bizarre or astounding. So if you want to create your posts based on latest trends, then you must be well aware of those trends, right? So how do you know what does your audience want from you?

Buzzsumo helps a big time to solve this problem. Just enter a keyword within your niche, and you will find all the articles and topics that have been tweeted the most. And once you find the most trending topic within your niche or domain, you can well create something similar and tweet on your handle. Buzzsumo mainly finds the most socially shared contents, such as Infographics, Videos, Articles/Blogs, so and so.

So you see, there are so many benefits of twitter for business. These tools help you get more sales and leads than you would have received otherwise. However, not every tool will work for every marketer. You have to keep on searching for the right one that clicks for your business. This is the ultimate goal, finding what works for you and assign it to your Twitter tools arsenal. Without the right tool, all your marketing efforts on Twitter are future and a waste of time and effort.


Now it’s your turn. Which Twitter tools do you use to manage and update your Twitter account? Are you already using any of the Twitter tools mentioned above? Or have you anything to add? Leave a comment below and let us know.
