10 Common Myths About Digital Marketing Debunked

Ever since marketing has turned global, crossing the borders of countries and nations, it paved the way for marketing through digital media. That’s how Digital Marketing saw its heyday. Technically, digital marketing has been around for about two decades. And just like all things wonderful, some features of it are shrouded in myth and misconceptions.

These misconceptions and myths are mostly preached and perpetrated by distractors and unschooled people. These perpetrators can do no good other than ruining your motivation and misguiding you. So if you really want to get some solid result from your digital marketing efforts, you need to debunk these myths and dispell them once and for all. Let’s debunk some myths that hold you back from doing your digital marketing right.

Myth #1: SEO is Dead
Nothing can be more untrue than this. SEO is no way dead, rather it is evolving with each passing day. With all the Penguins, Panda, RankBrain, Pigeon and Hummingbird, Google is setting the standards of SEO too high. It goes without saying the SEO is evolving at a steady pace. It is very much relevant to boost your website higher in the rankings when done correctly.

So stop on paying heed to any such kind of myth. Focus on meta tag descriptions, using keywords in the URL to make your website come towards the top of the search results.

Myth #2: More, More and More Traffic
Traffic is important, no doubt; but what’s more important is getting the right traffic. There is no doubt that more traffic means more leads and conversions. But the prime purpose of real digital marketing is not to bring maximum traffic, but to bring well-targeted traffic. What’s the use of 2000 random visitors, when only 5 of them actually convert? Isn’t it better to get 200 visitors, but get 30 of them as actual leads?

This is why you must thoroughly research the demography of your targeted group and understand their exact requirements, and how you can tap into it. It is far better to get a mention in a small website within your niche, than to get mentioned in a website with a bigger audience, but outside of your niche.


Myth #3: Social Media only clicks for few Industries
Totally untrue. Social media is such a platform that is all about connecting with your customers, creating a buzz about your brand, and engaging your audience to your brand. And it can be a powerful and highly effective tool for any industry, regardless of any nature of business.

For e.g., just as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn are good for B2B companies, Instagram, Pinterest, Vine and again Facebook, works for a B2C retailer. Strategic implementation of social media marketing can provide tremendous ROI.

You just need to find the right social network that suits your business.

Myth #4: Just Create a Website, and you are done!
Just no! If you have a website that was created and updated several years ago, then you will be lagging way back. Because online marketing arena is constantly evolving and naturally people expect the latest features, functionalities and information from your website.

So a website with no interaction, no video on the homepage, not responsive, and having entirely static content won’t appeal much to the visitors. That being said, your work doesn’t end by just getting your website created. You need to furnish it with added functionalities and features.


Myth #5: Digital Marketing is only for Techies/Engineers
Absolutely false. Anyone in the field of Advertising, Marketing, Social Media, and who’s interested in getting connected to their fans and target audience, can do digital marketing with a little bit training. Digital marketing is no rocket science, so you need not be a hardcore technical person or an engineer for it.

Just stay aware of the latest trends and features, stay informed about Facebook, Twitter, Googele+, Analytics, SEO, and your job is done.

Myth #6: Have a Profile on all the Social Media Platforms!
Indeed, social media has become a very powerful medium and can push your brand forward. But you must be calculative and judicious enough as to which platform you should choose. Because if your target audience is high tech professional, then, of course, Snapchat isn’t the best place for you. In that case, you may try your luck in LinkedIn.

Don’t think that you need to have accounts on all the social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Snapchat, Vine, Instagram. Just think which platform would work best for your business. Choose maximum 3-4 platforms; and not all those out there.

Myth #7: My Industry isn’t capable to Interest People Online
Your product may be related to plumbing. Now if you think why is it important to put out relevant contents and be consistent on social media, or update your website, then you are wrong. Because if you do these, when your potential customers would need a plumber, your name would come at the top of their search results.

So don’t ever think that your business isn’t buzz worthy!


Myth #8: Digital Marketing is only for Large-Scale Business
On the contrary, any business, be large-scale or small-scale, can do digital marketing based on their goals and objectives. Rather small-scale businesses and start-ups should all the more engage in going digital. Because that is the only way to create a buzz, raise awareness for the products and services, and put an effort in SEO.

To be honest, any business can go digital based on what they aim to get out of it.

Myth #9: Constantly Re-design your Website
False. You don’t need to redesign your website now and then. You just need to test sales pages to see if there is a need to redesign. Preferably when you need to boost up your sales, to give your website an SEO reshape, or to keep pace with the latest trends.

To make your effort easy and simple, just keep adding fresh and quality content to your website on a regular basis, instead of completely redesigning or revamping it.

Myth #10: My Competitors are not in Digital Marketing, why should I bother?
On the contrary, you should all the more take advantage of this and engage in digital marketing. Your competitors are surely losing a chunk of potential customers by their wrong moves. Why should you follow their footsteps? Go Digital, and gain more traffic, more conversion, and more revenue.

So don’t always believe everything that people tell you about digital marketing. Half of them take it as just another way of selling products and services. But digital marketing is more than that.

For more information on Digital Marketing, contact InfoGraphic Design Team, or visit

Are you familiar with any other myths surrounding digital marketing? Tell us in the comments!
