10 Ways to Start Using Infographics

10 Ways to Start Using Infographics

Start using Infographics today! Studies upon studies have shown that visual information is more easily processed than textual information. When people often do not have time to read through lengthy textual content, Infographics is one of the better ways to grab their attention. Infographics increase engagement by making use of information, data and knowledge and transform them into attractive visual representations so that data can be processed easily by viewers.

In fact, Infographics are one of the best ways to present data that is collected in an organized and easy-to-understand manner. Whether it is a chart, map or a graphic, an Infographic has the double-advantage of attracting those who do not like to read. And there are many of those online. Studies have pointed out that more than 90% of information that we remember, is visual in nature.

With a barrage of textual content being published every second, visual content stands out on its own, without any need for peripheral support. In this article, let us take a look at how you can start using Infographics for a number of tasks, if you haven’t already started to do that.

1. Target the attention-deficit audience

If you sell products or services to people who are known to have very little attention for textual content, you could present your information in Infographics. Infographics are easy to understand and do not take a lot of effort on the part of the viewer to perceive and process information. The fact that it lacks lengthy textual content makes it attractive to teenagers and certain older people who do not want to spend time reading.

2. Make your content shareable

Whether you publish blogs or eBooks, if you have an Infographic that is published along with them, sharing that content becomes easier. People tend to share Infographics more often than textual content to increase engagement among their target audience. This is not to say that textual content is unimportant. Infographics work with a certain kind of audience and they may help to make your textual content more visible. The more an Infographic is shared, the more visible your textual content becomes.

3. Create brand awareness

Infographics are a great medium to build your brand. The design that you choose, the colors that you use to create an Infographic and the way you present your information can all be part of a brand building exercise. Make sure that you consider designing Infographics as a brand building activity. By subtly using Infographics as a marketing tool, one can get a persuasive message across without being blatant. Creating brand awareness is not an easy task and it must include a number of steps, and one of them is publishing Infographics.

4. Build authority and niche

You can pick and choose the kid of information that you want to publish in your Infographics. Choose topics that are closely related to your products and services and build authority on those topics. Once you are known among your audience as the go-to source for all things related to your niche area, you will be able to attract more audience, thanks to the Infographics. Show your audience that you know better by publishing Infographics that have compelling information about your expertise. Do not stop at a few Infographics. Publish them at regular intervals.

5. Explain how things work

How-to videos and posts are often very popular and they get shared very easily online as well. You can use Infographics to present those how-to data in an easy-to-understand and easy-to-follow method. Infographics can be used to present data in a linear fashion. When you need to explain to your readers how to use a product or service, a step-by-step guide can be published in the form of an Infographic. It is always easier to follow the steps using an Infographic as visual representations of information are easier to process.

6. Use as a recruiting tool

Infographics can also be used as a recruiting tool. While designers and others have used Infographics as a tool to create attractive resumes, recruiters can use them in a reverse process. Highlight all the prerequisites and qualities you look for, in an employee and make it a chart that can be visually represented. If you are planning to recruit designers, developers and other technical staff, Infographic advertisements can be a great option. Sometimes, the easiest solution to recruit someone compelling is to just publish an Infographic.

7. Entertain audience with trivia

Once you build your audience and have started to publish eBooks and blogs regularly, you could use Infographics as a tool to entertain them. Use Infographics to present trivia related to your core business and that takes out the stuffiness associated with professional content. People will begin to look forward to your Infographics because it always gives them something new to learn. However, do not stray away from your niche, even if you feel tempted. Trivia related to your niche is acceptable but not when the trivia is nowhere close to what you sell or provide.

8. Raise awareness

If you have a corporate policy of working towards social causes, Infographics can be a great way to build awareness about your cause. Graphically represent statistical data related to your cause and encourage people to share them. More people will find it easier to share Infographics than textual content, thereby supporting your cause in the long term. Organizations are becoming increasingly socially conscious. Those which are socially conscious tend to receive more attention on social media. One of the best ways to prove that you are socially conscious is by publishing relevant Infographics.

9. Market your content

Infographics have become a mainstay of content marketing. You could create Infographics to support your eBooks, white papers, videos and even blog posts. Each Infographic can present data that is elaborated in other forms of media and support that media, as a prop. Though Infographics can stand on their own, it is also a wise move to use them as props to support other forms of content. Content marketing is not easy and requires a lot of effort. Infographics make your job at content marketing much easy.

10. Present your surveys

Organizations increasingly collect data on their own and have a wealth of statistical Information available with them. Thanks to tools like ERP and HRMS< statistical data that is collected can easily be represented through Infographics. While some of the data may seem trivial to you, they can make you look authoritative when you publish them in the form of Infographics. Most business process software suits provide statistics and data that can be converted to Infographics with a little effort.

These 10 ways are great for novices who are yet beginning to understand how Infographics work and how they can be used. Infographics can be used in more specific and more professional manners too. In order to learn more about how you can use Infographics to build your business, you could contact an Infographics specialist and seek information.

Growing number of studies indicate the acceptance of Infographics among readers and viewers. In fact, a number of people expect to see Infographics now, rather than plain textual content. Thus, they have already become a matter of corporate necessity. Infographics are easy to understand, easy to share and very little effort to create: what more could companies even ask for?
