10 Simple Tips To Get You Higher Website Conversions

Today we have several ways that can significantly increase website conversions, adding up to your revenue. Be it a content upgrade, or a free newsletter, a free ebook, or anything that gives out value to your visitors. And surprisingly, these don’t require much of technical or coding expertise. It’s all about creating a personal relationship with your customer. This gives out an impressing return which is long term for your business.

Gone are those days when you can entice your visitors by a ‘click here’ button, and expect they would sign up. Today, at the heart of every marketing effort, is a one-one-human relationship. Though it is widely accepted, that face-to-face sales and other personal methods are no longer common, but if done correctly and subtly, they are effective still now. With technology beside us today we can create a more customer oriented, focused, and personalized marketing campaigns and track customer engagements. It’s simple. If you want to get subscribers/customers, and increase conversions, you have to get yourself connected with them.

Now, we are amidst a big data flood, when every single Internet marketer is coming up with new ways of selling their products and services. So in this ever growing competition, if you are struggling to find innovative ways of website conversion, we’ve got a few ways out for ya!  🙂

Check them out…

1. A distinct Call-To-Action
Who doesn’t know how important it is to have an efficient and prominent call to action on landing pages. Without a proper call-to-action button, the page is nothing. Yet, there are so many businesses who don’t give much value to these buttons. Either the buttons are barely visible, or they blend into the background color, or the font color happens to be too soft. Some are even identical to other buttons on the page.

Always use contrasting colors, bigger fonts, and prominent positioning of your call-to-action buttons, so that they stand out.

You may also test your call-to-action buttons with different phrases, and some may work, some may don’t. You have to keep on testing until you get the perfect call-to-action button that possesses all the qualities to turn your visitor into a paying customer.

2. Understand User Context
You must understand the content of your business and give them suitable options to interact with you. Say you have a salon or a spa, isn’t it better for your visitor to jump on a quick call with you to set up an appointment, instead of filling up a form? Moreover, when today most of the people access the Internet on their Smartphones. On a mere 5-inches screen, it’s somewhat tedious to fill up a form, rather if a number is flashed on the screen, a user can easily give you a buzz and speak about his/her requirement.


The world has gone mobile, the statement really falls short of the present scenario when people access the Internet when they are commuting, waiting in a queue, running on a treadmill. So with half of the population reaching out to you at all time, you must make it easy for them to find their way out to you.

3. Value is what matters
Before anything else, it is the value that matters. The value that you give to your customers. Your value proposition must also be relevant enough for your clients. Whether you want to solve their problem, or you suggest a way to make it easier, or your product removes something negative in your customers’ lives, and so on. There are many faces of value proposition, and you just have to choose the right face.

If you give out a right content in a wrong format, you are not giving anything of value. For the senior folks in your customer demography, an actual direct mail piece will work, but for the youngsters, a form of mobile app will be apt. Work on the whole package if you want to add any value to your clients and prospects.

4. Set your Pricing Psychologically
This is an old trick, but trust me it works. Instead of listing your price as $500, keep it $499. Billions of products get sold like this over the world. This plays on the psychology of the visitors and makes them pay for it. They only see the last digit which makes them consider it affordable.

Eliminating the dollar or the currency sign is another way of pricing with a psychological approach. Currency signs trigger the ‘pain of paying’ response, which halts customers to reach out to their credit card or cash in their purse/wallet. If you just advertise your products shun the currency sign, you can improve your sales into twofold. Becuase this method has been proven to be effective at increasing sales.

5. Offer a Guarantee
Guarantee offers must be created as per the services you are offering and based on what your visitors are signing up for. If they are signing up for a free newsletter, give them a guarantee that their email ids will not be shared with other companies as email database. And if your service involves money in it, then give them a satisfaction guarantee.


Don’t give a short-term money-back guarantee of a few days. Because your customers won’t invest time throughout the term of the guarantee. Give them longer refund time, 60 or 90 days. It gives them a longer time to get involved with your product. And if they have been into your product or service for more than one month, your product or service becomes a habit for them, and it becomes difficult for them to change.

6. Tell a Story through Visuals
Aesthetic and visual associates are a vital component of website design. You just have a few seconds to hold your visitors’ attention. If you can’t make it within that time, nothing you do later will count. Visuals help people process whatever information they come across. So if you have a website which is professionally designed, minimal, yet informative and easy to navigate, you can increase your conversions to a higher rate.

7. Integrity is the Key to Success
Make profit. But don’t cheat your clients. Maintain integrity in your marketing approach. There is nothing more harmful than offering your customers and prospects something you can’t give them. Don’t promise more than you can give them and don’t be ambiguous in explaining your process, right from finalizing the deal, until the final delivery.

Any kind of dishonesty spotted on your website will immediately make you fall in the eyes of your potential customers, damaging your online reputation.

So just put on your website only whatever you can actually offer them, and nothing more.

8. Reviews/Testimonials – Best way to attract new clients
Having testimonials or reviews on your website main page embellishes your credibility and integrity as a marketer. It also gives a legitimate stature to your business and let your prospects know about your product from the first-hand experiences of your existing customers.

And the most salient factor is since you do not create these for your business, testimonials are never considered as sales oriented or pushy. But helps your prospective clients to build trust on your product, to rely on your services. Out of many, choose only those testimonials that give specific details and points out the tangible benefits of your product/service. Reviews that are vague and generic, you may not want to have them on your homepage.


Now once you choose those testimonials that you consider suitable, feature them on your website homepage judiciously. It is always recommended to have a separate web page where all your testimonials will be showcased. This method always attracts new visitors and increase the conversion rate. Because the more they see those testimonials praising your products and services, the more they tend to be your paying customer.

And always remember, never tamper with the testimonials you receive from your existing clients, and never create fake testimonials. It profoundly damages your brand name and reputation.

9. Incentives and Freebies work like magic
If you follow the TVCs selling products, most of them offer lucrative ‘freebies,’ which makes it very hard not to buy the product. When people get something for free, it’s like they get some value out of it. Just because they are getting something for which they don’t have to pay, no matter if the amount is negligible, buyers even get ready to buy the actual product which is way costlier.

Similarly, why not offer your website visitors some ‘freebies’? Maybe a free subscription, or a free e-Book or whitepaper? Or even a tele/email consultation? Of course, the incentive doesn’t have to be big, but with these small tokens of gratitudes, you can tap into the psychological drive of your website visitors’ minds. And chances are there, that these gestures would inevitably turn them into your long term customers.

You can also offer an ‘early bird offer’ if you are offering a new product or service. Consider giving them a free month, or a free upgrade to a better plan.

10.  A Fresh Perspective always wins
Correct marketing approach always depends upon two things, intuition, and instinct. If these two factors work together in the right direction with proper motion, conversion from website gets higher. Always keep a fresh perspective on your website so that it brings more visitors. Don’t copy your competitors in this, but keep a watchful eye on what new updates they are performing on their websites. Improvise on your discretion and apply them to your site as well.

Don’t cower from testing and experimenting. Have faith in your data and information. But don’t back off from constant tests and experiments.

So, from beginning till the end, we see that the core essence of website conversions is, building a positive, productive and personal relationship with the customers. That is the common thread that starts from the beginning and goes till the end result, turning the lead into a loyal paying customer.

Do you have any update or change made on your website to get higher conversions? Have we missed any? Feel free to comment.
